Chapter 34

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If my whole eighteen years of life has thought me anything, it's that you can never trust anyone too much.

You can't trust your dad, your best friend's, your siblings, your boyfriend, heck not even yourself.

So right now, I'm stuck in my room, trying to figure out who the heck will try to kill me.

I mean, yeah, there were a lot of people that want to kill me but who would actually hire someone to get it done with.

I groan and pull my hair, rubbing my eyes. I wasn't able to sleep well even though River slept beside me and Neferankh.

I kept tossing and turning, my eyes were tired but my mind wouldn't stop running.

I couldn't sleep a wink, River had woken up, trying to get me back to bed but I couldn't sleep, dad didn't even let me go to school today, the principal will probably suspend me because I haven't been attending school the proper way.

I'm in the twelfth grade and yet I'm still not taking my education seriously, but what's more important?

My education or trying to escape the person that wants to kill me?

Yeah, you ponder that!

I suck in a deep breath, biting my lip. Dad knocks on the door, and I instantly look up.

"Kiddo, you in there?" He asks and I stand up, walking towards the door, I twist the lock and pull the door open, resting against it as I stare at my dad.

"Hey Dad." I say and he frowns, "Kai, you have to eat something, there's no way I'm letting you stay like this, the poor kid didn't leave the house and now Adrian and Min-Jun are questioning him." He says and a faint smile brushes my face.

"I'll be down in ten, I need to clean up." I say and he nods, pulling me in and planting a kiss on my forehead.

I smile, watching him leave.

He knows that what happened last night is really affecting me, and he also knows that if I crawl into my home now, the only person that can bring me out is Kyler, and he isn't here.

I miss him so damn much.

I suck in a large breath and walk downstairs.

The shower really helped, I feel a little energized. I could hear the soft laughs and squeals of Neferankh in the living room, probably Jake playing with her.

As I reach the end of the stairs, all heads turn to me, even Luke's.

"You, what are you doing here?" I ask him and he shrugs, standing up.

"I heard what happened and I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you." He says and pulls me in for a hug, I push at his chest.

"Yeah, yeah, forget about that! Why aren't you at school?" I ask him and he furrows his brows.

"You really expected me to leave you, I mean come on Kai, I wasn't there last night, I wasn't there to help you, do you think I'd be able to go to school today without feeling guilty that you're not there because of what  happened?"

I look at him with wide eyes, "You're so stupid! How can you that to yourself because of me?" I yell at him.

He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "It's not like you weren't there when Xena's parents came." I close my eyes and inhale, trying to calm myself down from having a screaming match with him.

"So... Let me get this straight, they're fighting because the other one was there when the other one needed them?" River asks, looking at everyone.

We look at each other and shrug, mumbling several 'yeses' and 'pretty much'.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "All of you are weird, no offense Kurt." He says and dad shrugs.

Yeah, my dad's pretty laid back, he rolls with us.

"Stay out of this Morales." I snap at him. "Yeah, stay out of this." Like says and I nod.

"Yeah, you tell him." I laugh and hug him again.

"Oh come on!" River yells and flops down on the couch, I look up at Luke and he sighs, "I'm glad that you're not mad at me." He says and I smile, a tight one.

"Jomana, you're messing up my hair!" Jake yells and I laugh, "Why does he call her that?" River asks when I get to him.

"That's the name he gave to her, it was meant for only him." I tell him and he nods.

"What's the meaning of her name?" He asks as she claps her hands together, trying to catch the bubble that Cosmo was making.

"Beautiful life, it's Egyptian, I actually have birth to her in Egypt during the holidays, that's where he and I got the name from." I say and he nods, looking at me...

... Until I get uncomfortable and stare back at him.

He doesn't back down, his eyes flickering down to my lips and I unconsciously lick them.

He groans and closes his eyes, resting his head against the couch.

"I don't know why I even try." He says and I laugh, putting Neferankh's hair into two ponytails, it had grown really long for an almost two year old.

"I can sense something happened between you guys yesterday, now spill." Luke yells and jumps in front of us, a bowl of popcorn in his hand.

"Do you always carry popcorn wherever you go?" I ask him like I don't know.

He rolls his eyes and the other guys run, looking over his shoulder expectantly, I groan, even Min-Jun.

"Now, now, boys, don't disturb them, we can spy when they don't realize it but I'm pretty hungry, and I need some beer, Min-Jun, we're gonna get so plastered tonight!" He squeals and I raise a brow at him.

"I'm so not coming downstairs tonight and seeing all of you shirtless and pantsless."

Dad laughs and does a little head dance, "You know you looooove me." He drags.

I try to scowl but my face breaks with a smile and a small laughter escaping me.

Min-Jun, Jake, Adrian, Cosmo, Kole, Luke and Nigel walk into the kitchen, leaving us to stare at each other awkwardly.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I respond, biting my lower lip.



He swallows,

"I really want to kiss you right now."

I lean in, "What's stopping you?"

_______________ _______________




I have created an Instagram account.

I know it's weird because I have absolutely no social life.

Like really, my Facebook account is bare, I don't even have many friends, the account is kind of abandoned so…

And my Snapchat, ugh, I am so not active, I only talk to one person.

My life really sucks.

Anyways, my Instagram username is @t4girl16neonhead.

Enjoy your day and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment on this Lil chap.

Until next time,

Much love


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