Chapter 19

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I look at the tattoo on the inside of my wrist, 'Kit Kats' I smile as I see the the drips of chocolate and the crunchy cookies scattered around the writing. I smile at Alejandro, "It's pretty." I whisper and he chuckles, he'd already cleaned it and it was so pretty, I'm kinda hungry for Kit Kats now. "Alright, my turn now." He let's go of my other hand, the tingles immediately leaving me.

He stands up and takes off his shirt, making my eyes widen, his chest is filled with tattoos, lots of them, not to mention that he looked so hot.

His muscles bulging, I look back up to his face and see his eyes twinkling, "Like what you see Hermosa?"
My breath hitches, my lips parting, "Alright, no sexual tension in here, Brooks will be here any second and I have to finish up the new tattoo." He says and goes to the back to do whatever tattoo artists do. 

"When did you get your first tattoo?" I ask as I trace my fingers over them, shivers running down my spine, I bite my bottom lip and look at him, he stares at me from under those dark lashes, his warm breath fanning my face, his hands reach up and his fingers slightly brush my face, using his index finger and thumb, tugging my bottom lip.

"Okay I am-" Alejandro cuts himself off as he stares at us, "Are you sure you wanna do this today, you can come back later when you're not busy." He says, River shakes his head and stands up, pulls his shirt over his head, "I'll see you at home Al." He grabs my hand and pulls me out if the building. "Where are we going?" He doesn't answer, I get into the passenger and stare at him as he drives, "Romero?" I call and I see his grip on the steering tighten, "You're gonna get a piercing too."


I walk into the school building as everyone rushes around, trying to get to class without having a detention slip. I rush to my locker, pulling out my Geometry notebook and textbook, and rushing down the hallway as fast as I could.

As I shuffle in with the last people, taking a seat at the back, I smile at the teacher, who just scowls, very uninterested in her life. We made it in time, I got an upper lobe ear piercing and a helix ear piercing. I smile as I trace the tattoo on my wrist, the voice of the teacher drowning out.

The bell rings, causing me to jump, I pack up my books and walk out of the class. I go to my locker and dump my books in there, walking towards the cafeteria doors, I stand in line and get a tray of fries, turns out we missed two periods, not just one.

As soon as I get my food, I walk happily to my sear, Luke eyeing my tray of fries, holding his packet of ketchup. I sit and pull my tray close to me, "You keep your dirty ketchup off my fries!" I glare at him and he smiles sheepishly.

"There's something different about you." He squints his eyes as if thinking, his eyes widen and he gasps, "Your piercings are amazing, woah!" I smile wider, "Yep, River took me, it was so cool!" I gush as he moves closer, "That's where you were this morning." I nod and show him the tattoo, "Typical." He laughs and bites into his sandwich.

"How's Nova?" I ask, she's Luke's pregnant mom, "Great, the baby's coming soon and Dad hasn't gotten good sleep, mom says its discipline for when the baby's actually born." I laugh, shoving a fry into my mouth, someone drops down into the seat and I turn to look at River, a smile pulling at my lips, "Hey." He says and digs into my fries even though he has his.

"Just 'cause I'm happy about the piercing doesn't mean you can eat my food whenever you want." I glare and replace the fries he took.

"One of these days, we're gonna have an only girls night, planning your demise and probably we'd go out to paper-toilet some peoples houses! Ugh, I cannot wait." I groan, already imagining all the stuff we cold do together.   He just shakes his head and continues eating as Luke explains how I'm gonna go to the party tonight.

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