Chapter 56

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I wake up with a jolt in agonizing pain. A whole bar sticking out of my shoulder causes a scream to escape from my lips. I feel the warm blood pouring down and staining my skin and shirt.

Tears prick my eyes and I groan, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain is agonizing and unbearable, I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood and little sobs escape my lips. My left arm goes limp and I grit my teeth together, throwing my head back in pain.

The bar slowly starts retracting, rotating and making the hole bigger. I could feel my town muscle, my torn flesh and my blood gushing out. As it finally leaves my arm, I could feel the pulsing and the pain shooting through my whole body. My whole body becomes weak, I can't even begin to move my head and looking for a way out of this pitch black room.

My breathing becomes ragged and I run my tongue over my chapped lips. My hair itches and my body trembles from the cold.

I hear some movements and the faint smell of ocean, the slow movements of water battling against each other, fighting for who would get up first sends me in a panic.

I start looking around, tugging at the cuffs and shaking.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I scream, trying to get away. The water rumbles faster, seeping into the sheets, wetting clothes even further and burning through the hole in my arm. I gasp as the water wets the skin on my neck, the freezing temperature taking me by surprise. The water rises, covering my face and cutting my air supply.

I struggle and wiggle, trying to get out of these restraints. Screaming at the top of my soundless voice. I feel the water going into my body, my lungs and eyes burning.

The water fills my system and I feel myself losing consciousness, my eyes shut and I stop struggling, letting the darkness take me.


I jolt awake, coughing and sputtering water out of my mouth and nose. I inhale deeply, my chest burning from lack of oxygen before it cools down. I look around and immediately get blinded by the light in the room.

That's strange, I've been in that dark room for only my captor knows how long. My eyes start to adjust and I find myself staring at a girl in all yellow. She looked bored out of her life, checking her even more yellow colored nails.

I look down at myself and see that I'm clean, a tight bandage wrapped around my shoulder and a shoulder sling holding my arm in place.

I look back at the annoying artificial ray of sunshine looking at me while tapping her fingers lightly against her thigh.

Her golden hair is packed up in a tight pony tail, golden shimmer highlight her cheek and I swear I can see golden stars around her eyes.

To top it all off, she looked like a crayon.

"So you've finally woken up, huh sleeping beauty? You didn't need your prince charming to kiss you?" She snickers and I narrow my eyes at her. She laughs when she notices my look, a very weird laugh for someone who is supposed to be in a cliché story.

She snorts in her laugh. Now if I was in a book, that would be my role, to laugh like a dying donkey, and then the evil person laughs like an angel, it's funny 'cause she grabbed that package from me.

When she calms down, she swings her legs over the table, humming a little tune that I recognize  from somewhere that I can't really remember.

"So, how was your last week here?" She asks and my brows shoot to the sky.

Holy mother of all things holy! I've been here for a week! A whole week!!

"Oh, I forgot, you've been in that room, by the way, did you get enough water to drink?" She laughs and I glare at her. I don't even have the energy to talk back, I haven't eaten in a week and I have been tortured for a whole week and I haven't eaten and I'm not dead, I would give myself a pat on the back of I had any strength left.

"So, I hear that your name is Kai, Kaia, Kaileen, or just Kai?" She asks, when I don't answer, she sighs, turning to look me in the eye. Even her eyes are hazel, she definitely is a crayon walking the face of the earth.

"Look, I am only here to kill you and you're not making this fun for me, I thought from the information I had gotten you'd be more entertaining, maybe struggling or cussing me out, come on! I love a funny kill!" She laughs and smiles, her chipped tooth showing.

My expression remains blank and I could most hear the ticking in her head. Her right eye suddenly becomes smaller and she stares at me with so much intensity, if I had cared I'd have been shaking.

Her lips break into a smile and I narrow my eyes at her, wondering what she could be thinking.

Why is she smiling like a creep? What is she thinking? And most of all, why in the world would she wear so much yellow? It's burning my eyes!

"Brother, bring him in!" She sings and a door I never noticed opens, someone is thrown inside. The person looks really rough and I could already tell her spent last night passed out from so much beating.

Wait a sec, I know that hair and that tattoo!

The person looks up at me, piercing grey eyes locked into mine and I gasp, my eyes widening. He smiles a little crooked smile before leaning against the wall, breathing hard and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You okay?" He asks and my heart clenches, I nod slowly and keep staring at him, wanting to rip apart whoever did this to him.

"Oh, would you stop already! River you're supposed to be mine! And yet you are with her!" She screeches and I cock a brow at her.

"Kara, I'm sorry but what was I supposed to do? You made everyone think that I'd killed you, made me go to jail and rehab for doing cocaine, then you come back and want me to take you back as my girlfriend, that was a bad me and honestly, I don't think I can go back to that." River explains and my heart drops.

He went to rehab...

He went to jail...

He did cocaine...

The girl in front of me is his ex...

Everyone thinks he killed her...

"Baby, you're always going to be bad, and I don't care, I want you to be bad for me and only me, and you will be, as long as I get rid of her!" She glares in my direction and I nearly roll my eyes.

Is she serious? How many people have tries to kill me? How many have succeeded? How many have I killed for trying to kill me?

"Don't harm her!" River sneers and glares hard at her.

"Me? Oh no, I'm not going to be the one hurting her! Brother!" She calls and as the door opens.

My heart drops down to my ass.

How could he?

_____________ _____________

I deserve to be hung upside down and flogged until I can't cry no more!

I'm so, so, SO, sorry!

I have been MIA for quite some time now and I'm really really sorry.

But to make up for my actions, I have posted this little chapter.

I'm sorry, please forgive me!!


Also, this book is coming to an end slowly, and I am seriously getting my heart broken.

Have a lovely week!

Until next time,

Much love


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