Chapter 38

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"Oh tell me you love me!

I need someone on days like this I do!

On days like this,

Oh can you hear my heart say,

Hear my heart s-!"

"Would you shut the fuck up?" Min-Jun shouts, glaring at Kyler who was just having his own remix of 'Tell me you love me' by Demi Lovato.

Kyler sulks into his chair, making a pouty face.


I love my brother but at times, he just takes it too far with his love of Demi Lovato.

My gaze travels to my dad, then to Jake, then Adrian, then to Cosmo and to Kole and to Nigel.

They're all sitting, playing and smacking each other.

But I still couldn't talk to ask how Luke was but River has been able to read my mind ever since I've been in here. He's always updating me on Luke's condition, I smile at the thought of him.

Two weeks.

Luke and I have been in here for two weeks.

Two weeks and I haven't spoken a word, it's really killing me!

Two weeks I haven't seen Luke, two weeks he hasn't woken up!

Two weeks and we both haven't been let out of this sickly smelling building!


Someday!" Kyler sings, his hands reaching towards the roof, his other hand clutching at his chest in an oh so dramatic way.

"I'm starting to really question if your girlfriend broke up with you because you weren't an artist." Min-Jun mumbles under his breath but loud enough that Kyler heard and shot him a glare.

A smile graces my face and I watch them bucker back and forth like girls. Nigel and Kole for into an argument about something weird which I'll tell you in a minute.

Here we go,

"What do you mean? That's makes no sense at all, I mean, if I'm thinking about Kendall now does that mean she thought of me before I thought of her even though she knows nothing about me, not even sure if I exist? Or what if I'm thinking about River now, does that mean he was thinking about me before I thought of him, and if he knows this stupid theory you claim is true, does he believe I thought of him before he thought of me even though I didn't?" Nigel asks a dumbfounded looking Kole and Cosmo sniggers beside them making Kole glare at him.

So yes, it is proven I have weird friends.

My neck and rib side still hurt, but slightly, my dad and the guys have been here for hours, Neferankh is currently sitting on my lap, playing with a stuffed toy that River gave her.

As if sensing that I was thinking about her, she looks up at me and grins, letting out a weird baby chuckle that makes me want to laugh with her but can because my throat will hurt.

I pull her closer to me and plant a kiss on her forehead. She wraps her hands around my neck and looks at me, her big brown eyes peering into mine.

I peck her nose and she giggles, turning her face away and placing her hand on her nose, then she looks at me again, and I peck her nose and she does the exact same thing, laughing loudly.

The door opens and River walks in with Rivera, an some food, she had been taking care of Lynx ever since the accident.

The accident.

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