A Job For Jessie Pt. 4

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Y/N and Biggs walk back to the lot together.

Biggs: Looking a lot more crowded now.

Y/N: Security's out in force.

Biggs: Just what we need.

Y/N: So, are we not gonna wait for Wedge?

Biggs: If we stuck around or went back, he'd only get upset.

Y/N: Why's that?

Biggs: Guess a SOLDIER wouldn't understand... I'll tell him you were worried about him, though. Who knows, might just make his day.

Biggs and Y/N arrive at the lot as Jessie was waiting for them.

Jessie: You made it! Over here!

They quickly hide behind cover as they see vehicles driving next to them.

Jessie: Could you have been any louder? I mean, it made my job a lot easier, but-- Wait, where's Wedge?

Wedge was thrown out of the vehicle.

Jessie: Wedge!?

She was about to run out but Y/N stops her. As vehicles drive by them.

Jessie: That was close...

Y/N: We'll go get him.

Y/N and Biggs quickly walk over to Wedge.

Biggs: Hey, buddy. How you doing?

Biggs helps Wedge as Y/N was looking around the area.

Wedge: Not my finest hour...

Biggs: You get hit?

Wedge: Just winged, I think...

He tries to sit on his butt, as he felt pain.

Wedge: Or shot!

Biggs: Really? Let me see...

Biggs pulls his pants down.

Jessie: Are we seriously doing this here? That's... wow.

Wedge: You guys are the worst...

Jessie: Your ass is fine. Maybe singed, but the only casualty is your underwear. This is like a bruise or a mild burn at worst!

Jessie slaps his ass.

Wedge: Now that was a gunshot.

Y/N gives a little smile.

Jessie: Is that a smile I spy?

Y/N stops as Jessie walks up to him tempting him to make him answer.

Y/N: It's not safe here. We should go.

Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge: Copy that!

Wedge: So, how do we get back to the slums?

Jessie: With a little trick I've been dying to try out...

Biggs: Man, can't believe HQ was an op tonight of all nights.

Y/N: Coincidence?

Biggs: That or a bad omen. If they're ramping up for something, could get messy. Add it to the pile of complications to think about.

They run down the street as Jessie stops next to a door as a truck was blocking them from being seen.

Jessie: Right, this is it! Through here and we're home free.

She opens the door.

Wedge: Where exactly are we going?

Jessie: When we get there, you'll know! Now that I've got my blasting agent, we should have everything we need for our next mission!

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