The Audition

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As the show ended Aerith and Cloudia were outside waiting for Y/N to come out. Aerith and Cloudia see Y/N walking out as he was in his dress and he quickly walks away.

Aerith: Wow, Y/N, Now that was a show!

Y/N continues to walk not answering.

Cloudia: Y/N?

Aerith: Yoo-hoo. Y/N? Hello?

Y/N walks and he stops in front of a door.

Y/N: Please don't.

Aerith and Cloudia were about to say something.

Y/N: Not a word.

Aerith: Not even one?

Y/N: No!

Cloudia: But you're so pretty!

Y/N walks away and the three of them head back to the palace as Y/N felt like his image was shot down from 100 to 0 real fast. Y/N, Aerith, and Cloudia arrive at the palace and Y/N opens the door then they walk up to Leslie.

Leslie: No way.

Aerith: Here you are... letters from Andrea Rhodea, Madam M, and Chocobo Sam. That ought to do the trick, right?

Leslie: You serious?

Cloudia: Is there a problem?

Leslie: I hope you know what you're in for.

Aerith: Oh, we'll be fine.

Leslie: If you say so. Come on.

The door opens and they had to walk to another door as it opens.

Corneo Lackey 1: The three of you here for the audition? Second floor, at the very end of the walk. And don't go pokin' your nose in where it doesn't belong!

Y/N, Aerith, and Cloudia go up to the second floor and they go to the room at the end. Y/N opens the door and they walk inside. Y/N opens the other door and they walk inside as it was just mostly storage. The door suddenly closes.

Aerith: What's that weird, sweet smell?

Cloudia: I'm feeling dizzy.

Y/N: Gas. Come on.

Y/N tries opening the door but it was locked.

Y/N: Dammit.

Aerith and Cloudia: Y/N...

Y/N tries to go help them but the gas was already taking affect on him and the other two. Then two of Corneo's lackeys walk in with gas masks.

Corneo Lackey 2: Wassup? How you pretty ladies doin'? Feeling a little light-headed? Well, we can't have that. What say we escort you to the parlor, so you can make yourselves more comfortable?

Corneo Lackey 3: Let's get this show on the road.

Aerith: Where... are you... taking us?

Corneo Lackey 2: C'mon now. Upsy-daisy...

Corneo Lackey 3: Hey! Handle with care, asshole!

Corneo Lackey 2: The hell!? You wanna throw them down!?

Corneo Lackey 3: They're Corneo's girls... so if ya leave a mark on 'em, you ain't gettin' off with a warning.

Corneo Lackey 2: Yeah, I know. Managed to wrangle some real lookers this time though, know what I'm sayin'?

Y/N, Aerith, and Cloudia pass out and Corneo's lackeys take them somewhere they do not know where. Y/N wakes up and sees Tifa.

Tifa: Hey, can you hear me?

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