I Was an Idiot | Tenth Doctor

746 27 14

Prompts #27, #34, #37
Requested by @scarlet_witches_wife

PSA: If you are with someone — a significant other, a friend, whatever — who belittles you and/or treats you like crap, talk to them about it if you believe it's safe (maybe have someone else with you just in case). Nobody deserves to be treated that way, and if the other person won't change, I would suggest distancing yourself from said person.

The first time I wrote this, I remembered the request a bit differently and so felt the need to include the PSA above, but then I went back, realized I was wrong, and fixed the imagine. I still wanted to leave the PSA, though.

I have a new short story posted in my Random Writings book! It's called "The Imbalance of Fear."

Weekly Encouragement: God's got this! Seek joy! Remember things won't last forever, and you are not alone, and you are loved!

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N was the Doctor's new companion, who he met in her time — the 1940s. And when she doesn't understand the future, it leads to an argument...

QOTP: Old Who or New Who?

Word Count: 3075

Y/N Y/L/N met the Doctor when he arrived to stop a very low-key — but very deadly — alien invasion in her home of New York City. She ended up helping him, after he rescued her from getting obliterated, and then he asked her to travel with him when it was all over.

He'd told her of the future, which was his own present, then beyond even that, and also of all the adventures she could have in the past, meeting people she'd only read about. And, who wouldn't want to escape the era she was living in, anyway? There was global war — for the second time — and she just wanted escape.

For the first few months, it was wonderful. He took her all over space and time, and they helped others and fought other aliens whenever and wherever needed. She saw the past, the future, the in between. He explained everything that she didn't understand, and she loved listening to him talk about it, the way he'd go on and on in that accent of his and gesture wildly with hands.

But then it began to change. The happy, goofy smile on his face came less often, and sometimes he would disappear somewhere in the TARDIS for what felt like hours. When he came back, when they went on the adventures, he was usually as happy as ever, though he had a few bad days. On those days, he was mainly just sad and subdued, but on very rare occasions, he got grumpy and irritated. Sometimes, Y/N could cheer him up, other times nothing seemed to help.

One of those times was when they were in the future, on a space station. The captain of the ship had said what a certain machine was called, and the Doctor understood immediately, but Y/N didn't; she'd never heard of it before. So, she asked for an explanation.

The Doctor explained it in barely a sentence, but the words sounded like jargon to her. He could see by her blank look that she wasn't getting it, and so, with a sigh, tried again, but Y/N was still at a loss. Exasperated, frustrated, he looked up in annoyance and groaned, "Why is this so difficult for you to understand?" Y/N was too surprised to be indignant, and didn't really feel the sting until a moment later, when he muttered, "Rose would have understood."

Rose, she knew, was the one who came before her. She'd found something of hers in the TARDIS, back when the Doctor was happier, and asked whose it was. He smiled softly and told her Rose had traveled with him before, but he didn't say much more about it. Y/N could tell she was important to him, and she guessed in what way. So, when he began to compare her to Rose, it hurt immensely, and her jealousy of the woman, which she wasn't proud of, made her want to gain his approval all the more. Though how, exactly, to do that, she wasn't sure.

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