Calculated Risk (Part Five) | Loki Laufeyson

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Weekly Verse: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Weekly Encouragement: Love one another! Stay strong! Remember God loves you, and you are never alone! He's always working!

Ways to support Black Lives Matter: . Become educated on the situation in our country/world, and on who the organization is and what they stand for and what their goals are, so you can better determine what you stand for and what your goals are.

Video to watch to donate to BLM: (or search "how to financially help BLM with no money" on YouTube)

To complete the streak, I'm tagging the lovely vintage_grace and equally as lovely simply_jenna3000 again. They've helped on this thing, and they're also great friends and talented in what they do. Go check out their stories!

Part Five of Five
Summary: After Vertigo, Sabertooth, and Vulture escaped, the prison cells were opened, and the TVA descended into chaos. And, with an agent missing, they all knew something was wrong...

QOTP: Oh, dear... is she dead?

Word Count: 6191

Y/N ran out of the room, adrenaline and panic overriding her exhaustion, and Loki followed her to the bullpen, where many were gathered. Chief was standing there, looking stressed and on high alert. He saw Y/N and Loki enter, along with the guards assigned to Loki's room, and he began to speak. "We-"

Diana, concerned, cut him off. "Where's Luke?"

Everyone stopped and looked around, searching for him, waiting for him to speak up, but he never did. He wasn't there. Garcia went pale. "He never said he was leaving- I never saw him leave."

"But he came back with us," Neil said. "I saw him."

Y/N's heart dropped into her stomach. She figured out what had happened, but she still hoped it wasn't true. "You saw him?"

"What-?" Neil started, but Kay knew what Y/N was asking.

"Clockwise," she said.

Diana's eyes widened. "There was a moment, one point when I-I lost him. When we were chasing after Clockwise, he took off ahead of everyone, and I lost sight of him for a minute, but... maybe it wasn't a minute. I saw him again soon after. He seemed normal."

"You didn't ask him a question, make sure?" Chief said.

"I started to, and then he said he spotted Clockwise, so I went with him."

"And he was Clockwise the whole time..." Garcia trailed off.

They were silent for a moment, until the alarm going off roused them. The lights in the building flashed red, going in and out with the noise. Finally, when it was quiet again, they shone a steady red, declaring an emergency. Then, the head of the TVA, Director Roger Dooley, Chief Thompson's old Chief back in the day, appeared on the large screen in the room.

"The cells in the prison have been opened. I'm locking the entire agency down. I want every field agent moving around this building in pairs," he said, "and I want the Chiefs on this too. We need to apprehend the escaped criminals and the perpetrators of this crime before they cause any damage or get to things they shouldn't have. Send everyone in a jumpsuit to the guards in the prisons, and guards, put them where they belong. I want medics on standby, I want the scientists and the techs getting to safety, but stay with your work if need be. Send the guards that can be spared to guard all projects and tech. We need to stop this before it starts." He ended his message, the screen going dark.

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