Calculated Risk (Part Four) | Loki Laufeyson

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Weekly Verse: "'Have faith in God,' Jesus answered." Mark 11:22

Weekly Encouragement: It won't be like this forever! Let's love each other, and treat each other with kindness! Seek joy in God! He is always with us!

Ways to support Black Lives Matter: . Become educated on the situation in our country/world, and on who the organization is and what they stand for and what their goals are, so you can better determine what you stand for and what your goals are.

Video to watch to donate to BLM: (or search "how to financially help BLM with no money" on YouTube)

Thank you to vintage_grace for the help with this! She's absolutely amazing, and she has so many wonderful stories that you should go read!

"C/B" means Choose Book. So it's whatever book you want it to be.

Part Four of Five
Summary: The young man from before provided them with information that helped them determine a few things about their most wanted, and later helped them fight them — though not as much Loki knew he could...

QOTP: Loki or Thor?

Word Count: 5681

Y/N looked at Chief when he reentered the room what felt like an hour later. She had a lot of assumptions and guesses, but she had even more questions, as did the rest of the team. They'd all been speculating, but stopped when Chief got back.

"It was Harley Keener," he said, speaking of the young man from Earth-2108 they'd arrested for messing with tech from different times and timelines. "Said he was tired of being stuck here, and he wanted to go back home and see his family, so he gave me some information to make that happen. And you'll never guess who he flipped on."

"Loki?" Neil suggested jokingly, and Y/N swatted his arm.

Chief shook his head. "Clockwise."

"What did he say?" Garcia asked, excited at the chance to catch the guy.

"That tech he was building? A hologram device. He said it was supposed to give Clockwise the ability to appear to be anyone he wanted — provided he scanned them first. Keener built Clockwise's form of time travel for him for a hefty fee — ten thousand chims-" Y/N quickly remembered 2108's currency value and knew that was a lot of money "-and Clockwise came back to him for this new project. We just caught him before he could complete it."

"So, he's looking to look like someone else," Luke said.

"Exactly. Why, I don't know. Kid couldn't give me anything else — not even a name. Clockwise is careful."

Suddenly, after being lost in thought for a few moments, Kay spoke up. "Garcia, didn't you say Vulture was a tech genius or something?"

"Yeah," Garcia replied, pulling up Vulture's — Adrian Toomes' — file. "He's a mechanic turned highly successful inventor in his universe, but he made one too many public mistakes and the whole economy's a mess there anyway, so he was looking at bankruptcy before he started being Vulture. I'm assuming that's why he's with Clockwise."

"Because Clockwise paid him a lot of money to finish what Keener started," Kay finished, "though where he got the money himself is up for debate."

"We're definitely gonna be on our guard next time. Much more than before," Chief said.


"So nothing new?" Loki asked, seeing Y/N in his doorway again, and his suit was nowhere to be seen.

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