Chapter ❤20❤

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No One's POV

It's dark, only a bulb was giving excess to see eachother's face, a room that includes two wooden chairs and a square wooden table and other things you don't want to know, dirty too cause that room was never allowed to go in except those three.

Yup, guess correct. That room was located in those three CEO'S mansion, where they lived together. The name of the room was TORTURE room and there they were with their victim-oops I mean the betrayer.

Jungkook smirked while looking at the sweating man who was sitting on chair, looking afraid.

He was sitting on top of table, right infront of the man while Yoongi and Namjoon on his both side with same smirk.

"So You are the one huh?" Jungkook lifted up the wooden rod which was in his right hand then brought it close to the man's face.

Jungkook chuckled.

"You are the one who had been betraying us, me, Jeon Jungkook. Before doing it didn't you think twice. Huh? Didn't think what we can do to you? Guess you didn't." Jungkook said while tracing the rod from his shoulder blade upto his face then pressed it on his forehead. The man closed his eyes then opened again when he felt the rod wasn't anymore pressing on his forehead.

"Do you know this man is literally devil." Yoongi said while pointing at Jungkook who kept smirking. The man gulped in fear cause he could sense over Jungkook's vibe.

"Hyung he is already scare don't make him scare anymore he might pee in his pants." Namjoon chuckled evily. Yoongi laughed while nodding his head as yes.

"Why did you betrayed us hmm?" Jungkook pressed the rod on his neck making the man hissed.

"Did you join my company for Lee's?" Jungkook asked in his husky tone, the man shivered in fear.

The man kept silent as Jungkook wait patiently while tapping wooden rod on dirty floor, eyes boring hole at man.

Until his tapping went louder by passing every seconds at last he slammed it on the floor as he stood up and went towards him. He grabbed the man's collar, clenching his teeth, with scary glare, he screamed on his face.


The man under trembled.

Namjoon and Yoongi sighed as they held their youngest from behind and pulled him away from the man who was looking like seen a beast.

"Jungkook calm down." Namjoon patted his back.

"H-how did you know it's me?" Gathering courage the man asked.

Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon looked at eachother then at man and smirked.

Few Days Ago

"Boss you called us?" Soobin asked while looking at his three bosses who were at their mansion's bar, drinking.

"Hmm." Jungkook hummed looking at his glass.

"Soobin." Namjoon called out walking up to five males who turned their attention to him.

"As all of you our trusted employees." Namjoon paused and smirked.

"We want to gave you a task."

They frowned in confusion. Yeonjun looked at his brother who was staring at him too. Jungkook eyed Namjoon indicating to listen to him. Yeonjun nodded a bit.

"Not understanding?" Namjoon asked. They shook their head as no.

Yoongi smirked chuckling a bit.

"As we were working on our new designs, in board meeting we want you all to make our design's prints with a ink that disappear within some hours."

"Ink?" They asked in a sync. Namjoon nodded.

"But can't we print it normally?" Soobin asked.

"No." Jungkook stood up from his seat and walked up to them with glass of red wine in hand.

"You'll know our designs are getting steal by Lees." They nodded.

Jungkook stood infront of them and took a sip of his wine before continuing.

"So we want to catch that bastard by doing it."

After that day the five males did as their Boss told and gave Soobin an extra work.

"Soobin, you have to put an small camera near the locker secretly." Jungkook told Soobin who confusingly looked at him.

"But we already have four camera around the locker room." Soobin titled his head in confusion.

"I know but I noticed those cameras stop working for few minutes and right after that we get to know our designs are stolen. So that camera will be hidden and no one will know bcuz You *point Soobin* will do it without knowing anyone." Jungkook declared. Soobin gulped, a bit afraid of what if someone know or sees him.


"And the files inside will be the same just like we will use in meeting and give real copies to Yeonjun." Soobin nodded.

After Soobin did as told, when company was closed Soobin sneakily went inside without getting caught by security guards, while doing it he was questioning himself at what else he had to do for the sake of the company.

Soobin placed the hidden camera in a vase which was right beside locker and for extra he brought another camera and hide it at opposite side of locker.

That day when Yoongi and Tae met, Soobin and four males came into Jungkook's office room to show the culprit and they couldn't believe who was that.

They saw how the culprit used spare keys of locker then took out the files. They could clearly see that betrayer's face in both footages.

Present Day/Time:

Then Jungkook ordered his mans to bring the betrayer. And that's how the betrayer was with them. And if the betrayer didn't have solid reason of what he had done,Jungkook would clearly destroy him along with Lee.

"So we told you how we caught you, now you tell me why did you betrayed us? You're are no were, you were our oldest employee." Jungkook slammed his hand on the hand of chair, the man flinched and gulped.

"Oh Sung, our old man and sub head of jewellery section, tell him now or you won't see tomorrow's sun." Yoongi warned Sung who was battling himself whether to tell them or not.

"TELL US." Namjoon shouted in anger.

"Did you heard, Namjoon is calm but can be monster if he is angry so tell us hmm." Jungkook said calmly but it was clear that Sung didn't have other option.

"I will destroy your whole family if you-"

"No please don't." Sung yelled, cutting Jungkook at mid sentence. Jungkook gritted his teeth, looking straight into sung's wide eyes.

"THEN FUCKING TELL ME." Jungkook yelled on his face.

"I-I did it to protect my f-family." Sung told them as his tears started to fall from his eyes.


Short Chp.
Hope it was good.😊
Take care.💜
Love from Hiru ❤😙.

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