Chapter 46

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Weeks passed, her knee started to heal, slowly but surely. Everyday she wake up, her food will be delivered by a nurse, as well with her medicines. All she does is seat or lay in her bed, either watching television, doing her research, or just playing with her phone. Miwa came everyday, in the morning, will go to work at the afternoon, come back at night, and go home when visiting hours are over.

She sometimes got a call from her brother asking on how is she doing. She then learned that he and Hinata finally made up, after their first attept of the brand new quick attack at the summer training camp. According to the younger Kaheyama, after practice, at night, the two sneak somewhere and talk. The younger started to regret telling her sister that he and Hinata are now officially dating. After their talk, Hinata confess to him with him doing the same, both share a passionate kiss afterwards. Aiko couldn't help but squeal loudly, and even start to kick the air with her non-injured leg.

She was ecstatic at the news, not only their offense play increase, his brother's relationship finally escalated! She couldn't wait to tell her mother and sister.

As for today, after taking her breakfast and medicine, the doctor said that she could start her physical threrapy. First she practice on stading up, after gaining her balance, she was given a walker with wheels, to help her walk little steps at a time.

From then on those are Aiko's daily routine, after breakfast she'll walk around the hospital with her walker, going to the garden in the afternoon.

She didn't get to watch the boys match in the preliminaries, but she's sure that they'll win easily. Sixteen schools will participate in the Spring High Miyagi play-off. She'll have to meet up with the team on the first day, and that's only two weeks away.

Walking around while bathing at the warm sun's embrace in the garden, Aiko saw a little girl, probably six years old, sitting at the bench all alone, hugging a teddy bear. She approach the bench and sat down, the girl look up at her making Aiko smile.


The girl hid her face behind the bear shyly.


"No need to be shy. I'm Aiko, what about you?"

She slowly peek at her, slowly she reveal her face but keep her gaze down.


"You have such a beautiful name, Ichika-chan"


"Yes, it means One Thousand Flowers"

By now, Ichika already lifted her head and faced Aiko fully, staring at her with big doe eyes.

"Why is big sis Aiko here?"


Aiko point at her knee.

"Big sis had a surgery, she injured herself when she was young"

Ichika tilt her head at the side. Aiko then notice how her hair didn't go to the same side when she tilted her head.



"Are you wearing a wig?"


The young girl clutch her head and grip the bear with her other arm, she looks like she's on the verge of crying, causing Aiko to panick.

"A-ah Ichika-chan please don't cry! Big sis didn't mean it! I'm sorry! I think it's really pretty!"

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