Welcome to Hogwarts

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Graciela's POV

School has been good, but Moody gives me the creeps. It feels like he's always watching Harry and I. He even turned Malfoy into a ferret when he sho a spell at Harry when his back was turned. He's a good teacher aside from teaching students to fight the imperious curse by ising it on them in class.

On a happier note, I'm loving my new subjects. Especially Care of Magical Creatures. Though I am glad we're not studying blast ended skrawts like the fourth years. Ancient Runes and Arithmancy is good also, though some of the equations in Arithmancy is hard. So Hermione is helping me study.

While studying we both made a group to help house elves and werewolves. Hers is called S. P. E. W, stands for the Society for Promotion of Elf Welfare. While mine is W. W. O, stands for Werewolf Welfare Organization. I tried W. O. W, but Werewolf Origazition Welfare didn't sound right.

So far I've recruited more members then her, but we haven't had a meeting yet. Due to the excitement for the Triwizard Tournament. Which Hermione and I also studied up on and answered Harry and Ron's questions about it. I pray no one I know is chosen to be Hogwarts champion.

It's finally the night when the guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive with their headmasters. We finished our last lesson of the day early and made sure we all look our best in our School uniforms. Good thing I got new ones at the begining of the year.

It was a cold, clear evening; dusk was falling and a pale, transparent-looking moon was already shining over the Forbidden Forest. We're standing in our respective houses side by side. First years in front, seventh years at the back, and the teachers behind us.

"Is it six yet?" I ask Ginny as I shiver.

"No, but it will be soon" she assures me.

"Do you think they're coming by train?" Colin asks us.

"No idea, maybe" Ginny says.

"I don't think so, remember what your dad said at the cup. When wizards get together, they can't help but show off. I think it'll be the same when the schoold get here" I explain.

"I think she's right, look!" Colin exclaims pointing to the sky. We all look up with the others. As the gigantic black shape skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it. We saw a gigantic, powderblue, horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, soaring toward them. Pulled through the air by a dozen winged horses, all palominos, and each the size of an elephant.

"Dad is right, we can't resist showing off" Ginny says in awe and I nod my head in agreement. They land in front of us. A tall woman steps out of the carriage, she's taller then Hagrid. A group of students exit the carriage behind her.

A dozen boys and girls, all, by the look of them, in their late teens. They were shivering, which was unsurprising, given that their robes seemed to be made of fine silk, and none of them were wearing cloaks. A few had wrapped scarves and shawls around their heads. Dumbledore greets the head mistress, Madame Maxine. They exchange a few words.

"Miss Dursley, please escorr our guests to the great hall" he tells me.

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore" I say as I step forward. "Graciela Dursley at your service Madame Maxine" I say with a curtsy. "Please come this way, I doubt you'll have to wait to long" I tell her and lead them into the entrance hall.

"This is the entrance hall, to the left is the ground floor class rooms, to the right the dungeons and potions class room. Just up these stairs is the great hall, your students may sit anywhere theu wish. But there is a chair for you at the teachers table" I explain as we asend the stairs.

"What is that way?" a student asks with her French accent.

"The staircases,  the most direct path to anywhere in the castle. But mind the staircases, they like to change and there are a few trick steps" I explain as we enter the warm great hall. "Please sit, you'll be warm in no time. Once Durmstrang arrives the feast will begin" I state.

"Thank you, you are a very charming girl" Madame Maxine tells me smiling.

"You're welcome, is there anything else you require before I return to the others?" I ask her.

"No, that will be all. I hope to see you again" she says.

"I'm available if you ever need a guide or wish to know anything about the school. Same goes to your students" I tell her before leaving. I reach the entrance hall as the doors open.

Revealing a group of late teenage males wearing cloaks of some kind of shaggy, matted fur. Lead by a man wearing furs of a different sort: sleek and silver, like his hair. I step to side and curtsy. "Welcome to Hogwarts, you must be the respectives from Durmstrang. I am Graciela Dursley,  the great hall is just up these stairs through the double doors. Beauxbatons are already inside, you may sit where ever you wish" I tell them.

The head master nods his head in thanks and leads his students up the stairs. While I remain. Soon the teachers lead my fellow students back into the castle. "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are in the great hall waiting for us" I tell Professor Dumbledore.

"Good, take twenty points for Gryffindor Miss Dursley and rejoin your class mates" he tells me. I nod my head and return to Ginny. We enter the great hall to see Beauxbatons sitting at the Ravenclaw table and Durmstrang sitting the Slytherin one. We each sit at our respective house tables as the teachers sit at the staff table.

"So how did Durmstrang arrive?" I ask Ginny

"By ship, it's docked on the Black Lake" she states.

"It just rose out of the water, it was so cool" Colin states. "What is even cooler is that Viktor Krum is a student there and is here at Hogwarts" he adds smiling. "I wish I had my camera" he states.

"They'll be here most of the year, I'm you'll get a chance to take a photo of him" I tell him.

"Grace is right, lets just enjoy the feast" Ginny tells us. The feast begins. We notice firiegn dishes among the normal ones. Must be from Bulgaria and France  for the other schools. The house elves have certianly put their best foot forward with this feast. Colin sticks with the usual food while Ginny and I decide to try some of the foreign dishes.

Graciela Dursley: Harry Potter Cousin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now