Harry Potter Vs Hungarian Horn-tail

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Grace's POV

So quiet a few things have happened since the champions were announced. Ron stopped talking to Harry as he believes he put his name in. The idiot. There was a wand weighing and photo shot for the champions. There's now a reporter at Hogwarts, she'll be reporting everything about the tournament. Honestly she seems to care more about writing articles on Harry. She tried to get a comment from me and I gave her none. But apparently I cried my eyes out at the thought of losing Harry and said I wish didn't have to watch the tournament.

Anyway on a happier note I got some students from other schools to join W. W. O. I'm think of opening a bank account for the funds, which would be used to help all werewolves. I am also going to go into law and abolish the Anti-werewolf legalization. So that it'll be easier for them to find jobs. I have also contemplated doing an interview on my views, but I would diffidently talk to Rita Skeeter about it. She'd ruin it.

I spoke to Dumbledore for Micheal about bringing his pet snake to school. Dumbledore said he'd have to meet it first. But if the meeting goes well, then Micheal can bring Emerald to school. But he will have to stay in Micheal's common room. I'm sure the Slytherins will love him.

Also Harry figured out the first task involves dragons. This terrified me. I made a point of researching the four dragons he saw during my free time. I hope he facing the Welsh Green, it seems to be the safest of the four. Unlike the Horn-tail, which has the most weapons and looks the most dangerous. He told Cedric as the other two champions found out.

He's spent the last few days with Hermione mastering the summoning charm. So that he can summon his fire-bolt and use it to get past the dragon. This eased some of my worries as I know he is an amazing flier.

Anyway it's finally time for the first task and I decide to go wish Harry luck. While Hermione, Micheal and Ginny save me a seat. I go to the champion tent and see Harry's silhouette. "Psst Harry" I say.

"Grace?" he asks.

"Yes, Hermione says the key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..." I trail off.

"Battle a dragon" Harry finishes. I enter the tent and hug him tightly. There's a camera flash and we break apart. I turn to see Rita Skeeter with her photographer.

"Family love, how stirring" Rita says as her quick quotes quill writes on a pad. "If everything
goes unfortunately today you might make the front page" she tells us.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends" Viktor tells her. Rita grabs her quill and her pad returns to her bag.

"No matter, we've got what we wanted" she states. Just then Dumbledore and the judges enter the tent. I stand by Harry.

"Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and
at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate" Dumbledore pauses and looks at me. "What are you doing here Grace?" he asks me a gentle tone.

"Just wishing my big cousin luck" I tell him and turn to Harry. "Good luck, remember concentrate" I tell him and leave. I go to the stands and find the other three. I sit in between Micheal and Ginny.

"How's Harry?" Ginny asks me.

"He's a little nervous, but ready" I state.

"He'll be ok, he's an amazing flier" Micheal reminds me. I smile and soon Ludo addresses us.

"Welcome to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. Our four champions must retrieve a golden egg being guarded by a mother dragon. While doing minimum damage to the real dragon eggs. They will be awarded a score out of 10 from each judge" Ludo explains. "Time for the first dragon, the Swedish Short-snout" he says and the mother dragon is brought out with her eggs. I see a glint of gold among them.

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