Chapter 8

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I don't remember coming to bed one of my dads must have brought me up. Looking over to my clock it read 4.45am. I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep so grabbed some yoga pants and sports bra put on my trainers and headed out back for a run.

I put on some coffee so it would be ready on my return. Luckily our house backed onto some woods with a few trails and I had ran them all many times. I set off on my favourite, the morning was crisp and ideal weather for some sweaty exercise.

I thought I would feel worse after talking about my past but somehow I didn't. I obviously didn't feel miraculously unaffected by it all. Talking about some of my experiences made me realise I wasn't as weak as I had believed.

I survived years of hell and everything that was forced upon me. When I had been offered counselling previously I always thought it would make things worse. Maybe just maybe I was wrong.

Arriving back at the house I felt refreshed and more determined. Entering the kitchen the sweet smell of coffee was intoxicating.

I had left my phone on the island so as I poured a coffee I went back out onto the decking and took a seat.

I opened my phone I noticed an email from Mr Stuart and wondered what he needed.

Dear Pria,

I've had your painting dropped with me from Marie and I must say it has blown me away. The picture shows emotion, depth and a maturity of self growth. If I didn't know you I would have sworn this would have been completed by a person who was a lot older and showed their life journey.

As it happens it's from a young girl who I can only believe has lived more than she should have.

I would like to discuss your painting in more length and also discuss showing the piece to Pierre Conrall. It's not common knowledge that Pierre is a close friend of mine but I would need your permission for him to present your piece at one of his galleries.

I realise your visiting home at present, let me know your earliest availability and I can arrange a meeting with Pierre.

Yours always

I felt a slight cold shiver, it felt like my lecturer was using the influence of the most successful art gallery owner to see me. Maybe I was reading too much into his email but either way i couldn't refuse. I decided to speak to Derek later and discuss this and Mr Stuart. I decided to check my messages. Noticing a text from Brandon in the early hours of this morning.

Brandon: I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply earlier I was out working. I hope your still free for 1pm but in my haste I didn't confirm your address to pick you up. Please don't cancel I've been looking forward to this all week. I shall message you as soon as I'm awake and we can sort speak soon xx

Pria: good morning DB I've already had a run and will be jumping in the shower soon. I'm still fine for 1pm if you've had a late night and need to reschedule to a bit later let me know xx

I placed my mug in the dishwasher and started to prepare my dads a breakfast but I wanted to keep it light for me. Checking the fridge the fruit salad was still fresh. I laid the table and proceeded with some omelettes. Hearing movement upstairs I placed the omelettes in the warmer and put on some bacon for the final pieces for breakfast.

I felt my phone vibrate again.

Brandon: 1pm is fine I can't delay I'm not patient enough to see you xx

I smiled at his response just as my Dads entered the kitchen. "So what's making my little princess smile I thought that was my job" Gerry declared as he kissed my temple.

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