Chapter 35

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I stayed at the bar as Barlow popped back between serving people. "Stay here when my staff come in we can talk better" he winked as he went to serve someone.

"I'm gonna play some pool and catch up with some guys I recognise. You good?" Axel asked.

"Yeah. There is a live band on at 10pm it will get crowded then be careful" I said as i reached over and squeezed his arm before he left.

Checking out the bar there wasn't anyone I knew so I watched for any behaviour that tweaked my interest. There was a mix of military and biker guys with Axel and a few girls trying to grab their attention.

As the bar door opened I noticed a girl enter who I recognised. I caught Barlow's eye who nodded but was caught talking to a tall bearded man who had a cut on from the Blazing Dragons MC. They were a small crew know to trade in weapons and weapon training. They were careful with who they traded with but I hadn't looked into it in any depth.

I turned my head again and caught the eye of the girl who entered. Lily. She was a tall girl and I'm guessing she's about 20 now. We had rescued her from an abusive ex who had turned his attention to her then 5 year old son. She had broke down to her work colleague who happened to be an Academy member. We were able to get them safe and enough evidence to send him away for a long tome.

"Hey Lily how are you?" I asked waving at the girl. She had bright red hair with freckles scattered over her cheeks to match her hair. She was cute in a fresh way. No make up no fuss and a slender figure she was an underrated beauty.

"Kib I never thought I'd see you again" she said excitedly as she jogged over to me. She gripped me in a tight hug.

"How's Dennis?" I asked.

"He's in school and loving it. His confidence is though the roof I wonder sometimes how I will ever cope when he is a teenager chasing the girls" she giggled. I smiled knowing that they high had such a better life now.

"Good god let's not think about that yet. You look great, Barlow looking after you" I asked. She glanced at Barlow.

"He's been the family I never had. A good role model to Dennis" she said. "But you tell me how you've been" as she sat on the stool next to me. "I have some time before my shift. What have you been up to I have missed you" she said.

Missed me? I met the girl a few times we had bonded sure but all I needed to know was she was safe and happy.

"I'm good. Back with my Dad's and chasing another art project. Someone had suggested I train as a counsellor which may be an option when things settle down" I explained.

"Good Good" she leant in slightly and whispered "you on a stake out?" as she had leant in she had left her hand on my thigh. She knew we had been some sort of organisation that investigated crimes but didn't know the whole Academy story.

"Not quite Lily. Trying to gather some information about some bad me" I tried to keep it simple. She squeezed my thigh.

"How can I help?" She said.

"If you hear anything about a man called Slice or the Gold Devil MC let Barlow know. He's keeping his ear to the ground also" I hated involving her but I was desperate to find my Dad's.

"Speak to Barlow a couple of the Gold Devil's were here last night. Got into it with a bloke called Jasper. Barlow dealt with it so he will know more. I wasn't in but heard about it" she said. "What about if you give me your number and I'll let you know if I here anything else" I slid over my spare burner number I used for Kib.

"Ok I need to get ready for my shift good to see you" she hopped off the stool gave me another hug and disappearances through the door between the bars.

Another couple of girls entered going through the same door. Barlow came over with another bottle of beer for me.

"Grab a booth over where it's quiet. I'll join you soon" he went over to speak with the girls who had come back out as I searched and found a quiet booth in the corner.

It wasn't long before Barlow joined me.  I caught Axels glaze and noticed a slight nod knowing that he was checking up on me. 

"Hey" I said as he slid in beside me.  He moved close to my side and leaned in close. 

"I need to speak to you but your gonna have to make it look like we're making out" he slipped his arm around my waist as our heads were close with his mouth close to my ear. 

"Last night there was a ruckus with some Gold Devil crew they had been on a run when they were arrested.   Jasper is a retired military major and overheard their convo.  After I kicked out the crew I put a tail on them and spoke to Jasper.   Apparently he heard them talking about meeting up with some men of Vlads.   They were organising an urgent shipment out of the country in a container.   They mentioned some kids on it as well as some special cargo.  Jasper got some details I'm slipping some paper into your bra now" I felt his warm hand slide up my shirt and cup my breast.  His thumb pushed a piece of paper into the cup of my bra.

Leaning back he smiled.  "Best ever exchange of information ever" he winked.  I shuddered and not from pleasure.   He took a swig of his beer as I glanced around the room and noticed Axel had his back to us. 

I felt a small slither of relief I felt bad enough without having to explain to Axel.  Barlow leant back in "The address on that paper is where the container is at present.  I have someone keeping tags on it so if they move it I'll let you know.  The guys from the Gold Devil crew headed up to Montana to meet more of Vlads men I think they are moving into his domain now" I nodded. 

"I think we need to move quickly on the container.  Let me text Axel" I pulled out my phone noticing my sweaty hands I wiped them on my jeans. 

Pria: new ice cream parlour I wanna tray tomorrow sugar.  Feeling the pinch you ready to release me of my ache sugar xx

I wanted to leave and locate this container but I also needed a shower.  "Ok if Axel is ready we may need to leave" I explained. 

Barlow pulled me into a hug and kissed my neck.  "Stay safe and when you have found what your looking for.  Find me.  I want to get to know you better Pria" I breath hitched as I knew him using my real name meant he was serious.  I felt my phone vibrate. 

Axel: coming to get my sugar xx

"Ok looks like he's ready" I said as Barlow released me.  I looked at him.  

"I thought you and Lily had a thing?" I asked genuinely curious as I honestly thought they were an item. 

He giggled "No been watching out for her and Dennis but she has a major thing for a certain lovely lady" he winked at me.   I glanced around the bar as I noticed Lily watching us from the bar with a slight frown. 

Oh shit!! It hit me suddenly.  Barlow was claiming interest in me and Lily also.  Good grief I needed some air. 

"Hey boy I'm not wanting to share my sugar tonight" Axel claimed loudly as he placed a friendly hand on Barlow's shoulder.   Barlow laughed as he stood and gave Axel a man hug. 

"I'm still chasing my man" he looked back to me.  "Take care and come back soon" he winked and returned to the bar as my cheeks flamed red. 

Axel looked at me curiously as I gave a slight nod exiting the booth to join him.  We made our way to the door as I sent over a wave to Lily who was stood with Barlow.  They both waved and I turned to leave the bar.  

Axel and I got back onto our bikes and I followed him back onto the highway. 

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