"... the future queen is a very smart lassie"

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Brielle POV

I sat just behind Evie and Mal, I had pulled out a book and was peacefully reading, so peaceful that I didn't notice someone sit next to me. I kept my eyes glued on the pages as I waited for the game to start, all when I felt a presence get closer,

"Whatcha readin'?"

My eyes shot up at the voice,

"O-Oh Har I didn't see you"

I murmured as I locked eyes with him. Harry chuckled,

"Scare ya?"

I giggled,

"A lil bit"

He scooted a bit closer to me and whispered,

"That's my specialty darlin'"

I stared at him for a second and felt a shiver run down my back before snapping out of another daze and trying to play it off by giggling some. I casually looked away from him, trying to get my blush and my body heat under control,

"Ya seem awfully spacey today lassie, ye alright?"

He said in almost a teasing tone. I looked back at him,

"Y-Yeah I'm alright... I'm pretty sure I'm alright"

I murmured. We both looked up in unison as the game started. The two teams ran out onto the field for starters. I looked back down and marked the page I had been reading on and shut my book, slipping it back into my bag and holding my bag on the floor in between my legs. 

When I sat back up I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. My breathing hitched and my eyes shot over to the owner of the arm. Harry, still looking at the game was smirking now. I took a second and just took a breather, as much as this new extreme feeling of what was happening yesterday was somewhat hindering, I couldn't just become a giddy idiot. I felt myself snap out of it somehow,

"You know, if you had joined the tourney team I bet you could've just scared them into letting you win like you did during practice"

He looked over at me now, a bit of a surprised expression on his face now,

"Oh, ya think so?"

I nodded once and leaned into his side some,

"I could literally hear you and Jay going at it, the Auradon kids cowered when that started really going down"

He felt as I leaned into him a little more, he was really warm himself,

"Do ya think Jay is intimidating?"

He said a bit more seriously,

"Nope, I just think he tries too hard"

He chuckled,

"Tries too hard?"

I giggled some, his laugh is just contagious,

"I mean yeah, the first day you guys were even here he did that whole thing where he called me 'foxy' and all. Then he just has been trying so hard to get my attention... I like it when they don't have to even try"

I murmured the last part as I finally looked up at him, not intending on him hearing. However, judging by his facial expression shifting some he did,

"Ah I understand that lassie, so 'foxy' isn't a good nickname for ya eh?"

He said with a chuckle. I, of course, chuckled some too while I shook my head,

"Yeah it's most certainly not my favorite"

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