Planning and PDA (and pity for Audrey)

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Brielle POV

I can confidently say Harry liked the movie, he also mentioned how he liked the concept of it even if the way the characters went about it was very not good, to say the least. As terrible as the movie can be at times it does have redeeming moments and it's definitely not for everyone, but I'm a darker humor type of gal and Harry definitely is a dark humor type as well. He made plenty of comments about how surprised he was to be watching something like this with me and how out of character this felt, but hey I may be a queen tomorrow it doesn't mean I don't get to have a sense of humor. The movie did have its gruesome moments, of course, I could tell when he would get tense because his grip around me would tighten a little but that's expected for someone who's only seen three movies in their time. Not to mention that cuddling the entire time was a huge plus, I mean who wouldn't want to be in the arms of someone you love for a full almost two hours straight? The movie ended around five o'clock and I had some things to do so we parted ways. Harry was about to leave my dorm when I remembered something,

"Har hold on"

He turned around in the doorway,

"Yeh bonnie lass?"

I smiled and fiddled with my thumbs some,

"I meant to formally ask earlier but we were interrupted, will you accompany me as my date to my coronation?"

Harry immediately broke into a dorky smile,

"Of course I will, yer highness"

He bowed again, his now more messy hair flopping into his face as he did so. I giggled and shook my head,

"At ease soldier..."

I said through my laughter and making him stand back up. I reached up and fixed his hair,

"... You're too much sometimes"

I murmured as I did so. He chuckled and casually put his hands on my waist and pulled me forward towards him. I just smiled a bit wider and concentrated on fixing his hair. Once I was done I put both hands onto his shoulders,

"Yer cute when ya get all concentrated"

He whispered. I crept my hands up onto the sides of his neck and then onto his cheeks,

"Oh yeah?"

I whispered as we both subconsciously began closing the space in between us,

"Yeh, yer cute most the time though"

He whispered right onto my lips now, gods what a moment to share. I smiled a little more and just went for it, closing the gap in between us on my own. I love the feeling of his lips turning up into a smile whilst they're on mine, it just adds a bit of wholesomeness to the moment ya know? Especially because I'm normally already smiling, him smiling just adds that extra happiness to my soul knowing that this made him a little happier than he was before. It was short but sweet, we both broke away in unison and simply smiled at each other before my eyes glanced to a figure in the hallway behind Harry, oh of course Ben had to be here to watch this at some point. It was bound to happen at some point, his eyes were big and jaw semi dropped. I laughed some and looked to Harry and signaled for him to turn around. He turned his head to face Ben,

"Ah ello Benjamin"

He said cool and casually, Bens expression didn't change one bit which just made me laugh a little more,

"So... you just gonna stand there and stare or what?"

I said, containing more laughter from my wonderful talker of a brother finally being shut up by something, now did I think it would be the simple act of Harry and I doing normal couple things? No, but was it funny nonetheless? Of course it was,

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