Wicked Trick

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Third Person

Brielle and Harry walked from the inside of Evie's house to the courtyard where everyone was waiting for further instructions by the person they all knew had the best judgment when it came to planning, that person being the Queen of course. All eyes were on Brielle when she and Harry walked out of the house, and Brielle looked over at her friend that she hadn't even noticed before,

"Oh Jane! I have a question for you"

Brielle said, making Jane pause the admiring of her birthday present Carlos got her, a necklace. Carlos was inspired to get Jane a necklace from Harry's gift to Brielle. And sure enough, Jane wasn't planning on taking off the necklace Carlos gave her for a long while,

"Hey Bri! I'm so glad you're alright, I was trying to reach you and you weren't responding"

Brielle and Harry walked over to Jane, Harry was happy to follow Brielle around as she talked to her friend,

"Oh yeah, just got caught in a bush of thorns that's all. But I was wondering, do you know where your mom is? She could be a huge help right about now"

Jane sighed and shook her head, getting a little more somber and shrugging her shoulders,

"No, I haven't heard from her for a few hours"

She said in a bit of a scared tone. Carlos wrapped an arm around her shoulder for support and consoled her some. Brielle sighed and tilted her head some and took a second to think,

"I think we should try to find FG, so Jane... Doug, and for muscle... how about you Gil? You wanna tag along to find Fairy Godmother?"

Gil perked up with a wide grin and excitedly nodded,

"The Fairy Godmother? Woah, totally!"

He said with enthusiasm before trotting over to Jane while Doug normally walked over to her. Carlos turned Jane to look at him for a second and began giving her words of encouragement and reassurance. Brielle took a deep breath to calm herself some as she was feeling some nerves beginning to act up. She lightly furrowed her brow as it was as if something was wrong, but there was nothing new that would be making her feel that way.

Harry felt Brielle getting tenser, he peered down at her and read the expression on her face as one of mild concern and some worry. Before he could ask her what was wrong, she seemed to shake it off some and began ordering everyone around again as if nothing was the matter,

"Alright everyone, let's get moving. Jane, Gil, Doug, I suggest checking the museum. FG was aware there was an attack on Auradon and probably went to go get her wand. If she's either not there or is asleep or unfortunately turned to stone, then Jane I want you to get the wand and take it with you. When we meet back up I can use it, and don't try to use it. I think we all remember how that went the last time you tried, no offense"

Jane nodded and smiled some at Brielle's bit of a joke at her that she found equally as funny as Brielle did,

"Oh yeah, I most certainly won't try to use it. But how do you get it from the forcefield?"

Brielle parted from Harry's grasp and walked over to Jane and whispered to her as to not wildly advertise how to get the wand from the magical barrier,

"All you have to do is call the wand to your hand with good intentions in your heart, it's not terribly complicated"

Brielle quickly whispered. Jane nodded to her and smiled,

"Got it, come on boys let's go!"

She shouted with command before taking the liberty and walking off first. Brielle's influence was totally beginning to really rub off on Jane and it was most certainly for the better. The two boys quickly jumped to action and followed her away. Brielle smirked some at Jane's leading role and nodded to her one last time before turning on her heels and facing her brother, re-adorning a stone-cold expression on her face,

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