Could You Kill Me Softer?

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Third Person

Harry had left Mal and gotten himself back together and headed to the dining hall to meet up with Brielle. He always looked forward to seeing her, but he didn't know if he could even look her in the eyes this time.

Harry walked into the dining hall and locked his eyes on Brielle's laughing self almost immediately. Jane and Lonnie were standing next to where she sat, having a ball. Harry felt as he was killed a little more, her smile was killing him so softly. Brielle sensed eyes on her so she took a quick glance around and spotted Harry. She smiled at him and waved for him to come over. He took a deep breath and put his head down as he walked to give him more time to put on a brave face,

"Hey Har! How are you?"

She kindly asked as the girls left them alone. Harry sat down across from her and looked up, but not into her eyes,

"I'm alright, ye?"

He answered, his voice sounding slightly strained. Brielle furrowed her brow, he's never been so oddly distant feeling towards her,

"I'm great, but you don't look alright"

Harry sucked it up and smiled, looking into her eyes now and focusing on not losing it as he did,

"Eh I'm just a little tired, rest of the VKs are tiring me out and I'm not getting as much sleep as I should"

He wasn't exactly lying, but he was beating around the bush. She smiled again some, not as wide as before because she still felt that something was wrong,

"Oh I'm sorry to hear about that, have you ever tried any sleeping aids?"

He furrowed a brow as he took some food from her plate, very discreetly. He was used to stealing from other peoples plates from his days at Ursulas Fish and Chips,

"Sleeping aids? Like what?"

"Well there's melatonin pills, melatonin diffusers, even aromatherapy. I personally do a lot of aromatherapy and I own a personal melatonin diffuser"

He chuckled,

"I'm willing ta try, I rarely get a truly good nights sleep"

Brielle smiled a bit wider seeing that she could help him some. She thought for a second before going silent and simply looking at him, she sensed that something was wrong and he sensed that she sensed his uneasiness. To get her mind off of that he shoved aside his internal struggles as hard as it was,

"Aye wanna go for a walk outside if yer done there?"

She was snapped out of analyzing him and smiled again,

"Oh yeah I'm done, that sounds lovely"

She put her tray away and grabbed her things before they headed outside, arms locked. Something occurred to Harry as they walked, if these were his last few days with Brielle then might as well make them the best days of his life. He'd keep her in blissful ignorance and just enjoy her as selfish as that now sounded to him. As they walked he would casually take long looks at her, just admiring what he had right now seeing as it would all be gone soon and replaced with a miserable world full of villains.

They made casual small talk as they walked outside, finding a bench and taking a seat. They sat silently for a few minutes and admired the sky as it got darker outside. Brielle remembered something and knew it would create a nice easy conversation,

"I noticed one of your sketches earlier today, I was too busy helping Maleficent with the computer to say something in the moment but I just wanted to say that you're super talented in that department"

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