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Third Person

Mal and Harry headed to the Chip Shop, Harry going into an alleyway right next to the Chip Shop and intently listening for trouble. Mal waltzed on into the Chip Shop, the dense fog outside making for a sinister ambiance,

"I'm back"

Mal sang with a blank expression right after Uma had yelled at another customer. The pirate crew quieted down and stared Mal down, Uma slowly walking to the front,

"Loser party of one"

She said bitterly, leading Mal to a table and sliding a chair to her which she promptly caught and swiveled around to sit with the back of the chair against the table.


Meanwhile, as Harry kept his guard up in the alley, something was off. Harry knew being on the Isle might throw him off, but there was something wrong and he could feel it. Because of that, he drew his sword and just held it close to him, scanning the alleyway frequently as his nerves only got worse as time went on.


Mal and Uma shot each other back and forth with insults, the pirate crew watching proudly as their captain would seem to spite Mal, however, Mal would only hit her back harder by calling her Shrimpy or making a personal comment.


Harry jumped some as he heard some shuffling down the alley. As he looked down that way, something came from the other end. He swore he saw multiple figures run down the alleyway in the shadows. He tossed his sword in his hand and stopped leaning against the wall for a second and walked into the center off the alley and began walking down to the end of the shadowed path. Harry wasn't completely surprised when someone lunged out at him with a sword as well. Harry got into position and easily fought against them, from behind he heard something which led him to kick his first attacker back, only to be met with another behind him.


"You win and Bens free to go"

Uma said once she sat down, putting an elbow up on the table in position for an arm-wrestling match. Mal kept her expression blank, emotionless, and cold. She put her elbow up on the table,

"Don't wanna know what I get if I win?"

Uma said with a smirk. Mal very discreetly raised one brow just a little,

"Still dreaming"


Harry growled and kicked the attacker's feet from underneath them, turning around there were two attackers behind him instead did one. The thing that Harry was confused about was that they weren't from Uma's crew and they were actually good at fighting. Every time Harry turned his back to one group of attackers a few more would join them, before he knew it he was wildly outnumbered, but he was actually spiting them pretty well. 

Then he recognized one.


"You know, I never bought that whole princess act for a second. You can slap a tiara in a villain, but you're still a villain"

Uma taunted at Mal as they fought each other in a battle of strength. Their hands shifting from side to side depending on who was overpowering who,

"And you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still Shrimpy"

Mal shot back so quickly it caused Uma to almost completely slip up. Mal excitedly gasped and smirked at Uma's anger. Then Mal went into deep concentration, her eyes firing up to their hypnotic emerald green sheen.


Harry's eyes widened as he'd seen that man before, now he was panicked. He knew he was in trouble now, for as he started to pay attention to the faces of his attackers he recognized almost all of them. 

Harry was most fearful of the fact that he knew where he recognized them from.


"If I win you bring me the wand"

Uma said, Mal short-circuited. Her concentration was broken, her eyes flickered and her strength that would have inevitably overpowered Uma disappearing for a second, but that second was all Uma needed. Uma slammed Mal's hand onto the table, her crew erupting into cheers and taunts at Mal. Mal was in shock, suddenly the weight of the world was back on her shoulders, however, there was nowhere to run from the weight now.


Harry tried to keep up, but he was frightened of who could be right around the corner. These attackers weren't terribly skilled, but there were lots of them and Harry knew who controlled them.

Harry began beating them however he could with all the anger and frustration in his body, knocking them out, sending some flying, growling at them all as some were scared away, fully beating them seeing as he was actually a better fighter than before he left, for Brielle had taught him new techniques in fencing class that the attackers were unaware of. Just as he was about to take a deep breath to relax and the attackers began really thinning out, to Harry's demise one sharp blunt blow from a glass bottle to the back of the head was served, the glass shattering and Harry being knocked unconscious, falling to the floor and dropping his sword and his hook in unison,

"Get his things and bring him to the ship, make it snappy he won't be out for long"

Harry's enemy called to his attackers, obliging immediately in taking Harry and dragging him away.


Mal came out of the Chip Shop fuming, turning and marching into the alley Harry had told her he'd be in, but he was nowhere to be found. She scoffed,

"I knew you'd flake"

She muttered, there was something about having Harry Hook out of all people as her backup, she knew he'd do something to get at her including not be there if she actually needed him. 

However, Mal narrowed her eyes as she saw something that she struck up some interest. She jogged down the alleyway and noticed how roughed it looked down there. The Isle wasn't a clean place, but normally it didn't look like a tornado came through it still. She looked around the scene and spotted something concerning, a broken bottle with some fresh blood on it, but not much. Mal knelt down to investigate the scene, but Mal knew at that moment,

"Oh, shit..."

Maybe Harry didn't willingly abandon her, but there was one thing for sure.

Harry was long gone.


Hiya! Sorry this one took a hot minute to write, I wanted to make sure I got this one right since its rather important :) Anyway, remember to stay hydrated and to be kind to yourself today :D


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