Introductions to Hybrids

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Now before the story starts.
I must give you guys gals and nonbinary pals. A quick lesson about Hybrids, their history, variants, and characteristics.

First, their history.
After the Louisiana purchase, they were discovered by explorers. They were living in a small rural village at the base of the rocky mountains.
There were eight variants, while two were rare to come by, six were very common.
Unfortunately, the discovery was turned sour when every hybrid was imprisoned and enslaved.
A few dozen had escaped up north, but they haven't been seen in a long time.
For the next 60 years, each one was sold to humans across the country until after the civil war is when all Hybrids were given their freedom.
But even then, they weren't treated like Humans.

Now for the various types.

Rabbits: Rabbits tend to be very energetic and can jump higher than humans, They share the ears of a rabbit in place of human ears. Along with a rabbit tail at their tail bone.

Wolves: Wolves seem to stay together in packs. Their hearing is quite good, ears are sensitive, and they have a strong sense of smell.

Fox's:Their hearing is similar to wolves. Their stomachs can digest most plants and herbs safely that most humans can't digest.

Deer: Deers have antlers on top of their heads, mostly two inches above the temples. Female antlers see a lighter shade of brown, while Males have dark brown.

Cats: Cats tend to be shorter than other hybrids, ears similar to felines, and tails that match their hair colors.

Bears: Bears have small round ears on top of their head, and a short tail at their tail bone, during the winter months they tend to eat more than average, the resulting weight gain helps keep them warm.

Now for the rare hybrids.

Eagles: Eagles appear human; their wings give them away though, they have incredible eyesight and can spot something fifty feet away. They can fly but only up ten feet at most.

Demons: The rarest hybrid. Only one or two was spotted back in 1803. They have white horns that stick up from their temples. Most characteristics are unknown due to the fact none have been seen in years.

Now that that is out of the way. The first chapter will be released in a little while. So be patient and wait.

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