Katsuki Bakugo: Origin

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"Team [Last Name], Midoriya and Bakugo, practical exam. Ready go!"

[Name], Midoriya, and Bakugo stood in the battle ground and she is slightly afraid of what's to come. She gazed around, seeing buildings and such and they're standing on the main street. The man street is sort of huge, nothing like she's ever seen before. She didn't see the glare that Bakugo sent Midoriya, but she did notice when Bakugo started to walk off. [Name] and Midoriya glanced at each other before they followed after Bakugo.

She knows that he must be upset at her because of the thing he probably witnessed between her and Todoroki. [Name] is aware of how hateful Bakugo is towards Midoriya and the boy probably won't listen to either one of them. This is going to be a lot harder than [Name] expected, but she's willing to at least try to get the boy to listen to her. She's positive that Midoriya is going to try and speak some sense to Bakugo.

"K-Kacchan, for this exam, the teacher is the villain and we're the heroes, so we need to keep in mind the villain's combat ability and choose to either right or run," Midoriya suggested, walking next to Bakugo.

"Because All Might is who we're fighting against, we should avoid him," [Name] suggested too, walking next to Midoriya. "We need to be careful when he's around."

Bakugo walks at a faster pace, ignoring Midoriya and [Name]. She stopped walking, feeling a bit hurt that the boy is ignoring her and it's a first too. She gazed at Bakugo's back, knowing that he didn't even bother to look at her or even glance at her. He's probably lost in his mind of how much he hates Midoriya or finds [Name] annoying.

"Wait, Kacchan!" Midoriya shouted, matching Bakugo's pace again.

"Stop following me!" Bakugo snapped.

Midoriya stopped walking for a quick second and [Name] runs after them, a bit far behind them. She couldn't believe Bakugo is going to try and fight All Might head on. He's not going to win and she knows his pride is too big to stop him. [Name] isn't going to stop trying to talk to Bakugo about the current situation.

"If we keep going straight, All Might will be waiting for us," [Name] stated, walking besides Bakugo. "We should take a detour--"

"Why should we run away?" Bakugo questioned, venom dripping from his tone. "It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!"

"W-We should avoid combat if we can no matter what!" Midoriya reasoned, looking to Bakugo.

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!" Bakugo said, his narrowed eyes focused in front of him.

[Name] and Midoriya stopped walking, both of them gazing at Bakugo's back as the boy keeps walking. She lets out a sigh, really wishing that it'd be so much easier if Midoriya and Bakugo got along. Though, Bakugo is also pissed at [Name] even though Bakugo is probably against working with Midoriya. She'll have to apologize later when this whole exam is over.

"Keep trying to talk to him, Midoriya," [Name] said, looking to the boy beside her. "He'll get annoyed with both of us if we try to keep talking with him about avoiding All Might."

Midoriya glanced at [Name]. "He's--"

"Don't worry, Midoriya," [Name] said, smiling at the boy. She placed a reassuring hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "I know how he is too."

Midoriya nodded his head and he runs after Bakugo. [Name] follows after him and she makes sure to keep sniffing the air for All Might's scent. He doesn't seem close to them at all and she's thankful for that because they still need to sort things out between the three of them.

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