From Iida To Midoriya

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"So, in short, you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-momo, following it, and going to save [Last Name] and Bakugo yourselves?" Ashido asked, looking at them in concern.

Kirishima nods his head. "Yeah."

"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took [Name] and Bakugo without killing them," Todoroki added, some of the classmates taking note of him calling the girl by her first name. "They probably let them live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill them eventually. Kirishima and I are going."

Iida exhales a shaky breath in frustration. "Don't go overboard with your messing around!"

"Wait. Calm down," Shoji said. He puts an arm in front of Iida. "I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having them stolen in front of his very eyes. I'm frustrated, too. But this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions. Right?"

"L-Let's leave this to All Might..." Aoyama stuttered, the air tension in the room. "Mr. Aizawa's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded, too."

"Aoyama's right," Tokoyami voiced. "I can't say much since I was the one who needed saving, though..."


"Everyone, we're all shocked from [Last Name]'s and Bakugo's kidnapping," Asui spoke, cutting off Kirishima. "But let's think things through calmly. No matter how just your feelings, if you're saying you'll fight again... that you'll break the rules... Those acts are the same as those of villains."

Everyone is quiet, those thinking of Asui's words carefully although their feelings about wanting to save [Name] and Bakugo are just, but breaking the rules isn't. Although, sometimes even though you know the rules are wrong about saving someone or some shit, doesn't mean you have to follow. Like for example, the movie The Zookeeper's Wife, was about a husband and a wife hiding Jews in their old zoo property, changing their hair color and giving them jobs while hiding them from the Nazis. That's a good example.

After the silence, there's a knock on the door and Aoyama jumps at the sudden surprise. The door opens to reveal a very tired looking man with brown hair and a white coat. But think about certain situations like The Zookeeper's wife because there are other movies that are like that.

"Sorry to interrupt..." The man said, standing at the door. "It's time for Midoriya's exam..."

Sero points over his shoulder. "Wh-Why don't we go? I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doing, too."

"Oh yeah," Ojiro said, looking to Uraraka.

Uraraka nods her head. "Deku, feel better soon."

"Thanks, all of you," Midoriya said, nodding his head. He watches his classmates head out to the door.

Kirishima walks in front of Midoriya's view. "We talked to Yaoyorozo yesterday. If we go, we go right away. Tonight. Since you were seriously injured, I don't know if you can move, but we still wanted to invite you because you're probably the most frustrated out of everyone. We'll be waiting in front of the hospital tonight."

Kirishima leaves the hospital room, the doctor walking inside. The doctor removed Midoriya's casts, the boy having his arms free finally. Iida overheard what Kirishima was talking about to Midoriya and you know that boy is gonna try to stop them or at least forcibly stop them somehow.

"While you were out, Recovery Girl performed some pretty strong healing on you, so I think you should be able to move them, but they were pretty messed up," the doctor informed. Midoriya looked at his arms, a few scars and at least whatever that reddish brown mark is on his arm. Probably a bruise. "You've had a lot of pretty bad injuries recently in a relatively short amount of time, but frankly, this time doesn't even come close to those."

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