Creating Those Ultimate Moves

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[Name] entered the girl's bathroom, carrying her toothbrush and a towel for when she washes her face. She's greeted by Ashido and [Name] waves at her, starting to brush her teeth and she watches how she brushes her teeth in the mirror. She's sure she'll get used to living in the dorms at the high school. It's nice, but she's definitely going to miss her father. She'll try to visit him on the weekend.

After [Name] finished her morning routine, she heads down to the common area where she can smell the fresh food that's been prepared for the students. A smile makes its way on her lips as her tail starts wagging behind her. She's excited that she picks up her pace and once she reaches the common area, she see almost everyone down there.

She grabs her tray of food and she makes eye contact with Bakugo. She flashes him a bright and kind smile, a blush on her cheeks and Bakugo just nods his head. She felt really relieved when she talked to Bakugo about how she was feeling, but she doesn't remember falling asleep in her room. He must have carried her to her bedroom without getting caught by their classmates or Aizawa. She walks over to Bakugo, sitting right next to him since he was sitting by himself.

"Thank you, Katsuki!" [Name] exclaimed, starting to eat her food.

Bakugo didn't bother to glance at her. "Next time, warn me when you're fucking sleepy."

"I will! But thank you anyway," she giggled, her cheeks stuffed with food.

Bakugo glanced at her from the corner of his eye, the tiniest smirk on his lips as he finds the sight of [Name] with chubby cheeks the funniest. She looks so busy with stuffing her face with food and how adorable she looks with her eyes sparkling because she really likes food. Her ears are forward as she's attentive to any sounds in the common room. He noticed her tail swaying due to her over-happiness.


"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses," Aizawa informed, standing at the podium in the front of the class.

"Yes. sir!"

"A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life," Aizawa explained, gazing at his students sternly. "Of course, the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year."

"Just the provisional license is that hard?"

Aizawa narrows his eyes. "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..." The door to the classroom opening and revealing Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm. "...ultimate moves."

"Ultimate moves?"

[Name] blinked at the three with curiosity since her ultimate move is basically the Hellhound, but she can always do more than just transform. Right? She can try it out and see since she knows she's capable of fighting with her fists down due to being with Endeavor and her helping her. She's been training on her own as well and she has experienced not using the transforming part of her Quirk.

"It's like a real school thing and yet--"

"It's like a super normal hero thing!"

"'Ultimate'! This means that this move will give you sure a win!" Ectoplasm stated.

"A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it," Cementoss added. "Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent."

"Your moves will represent you," Midnight voices in. "These days, pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species."

"We will tell you more as we go along," Aizawa stated, the students looking to him. "We want to proceed logically. Change into your costumes and meet in the Gym Gamma."

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