The Date

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"[Name], can we talk?"

[Name] looks up from her desk, looking up at Todoroki with wide eyes. She smiles up at him, nodding her head and Todoroki walks out of the class with [Name] following behind him. She was actually going to get lunch with Kirishima, but she can see him after school since the two of them have to go to Fat Gum's agency anyways. There's a lot of paper work to do.

She had been wanting to talk to Todoroki. About what they are and how he feels. [Name] is aware that Bakugo likes her and the two of them had fallen asleep in her room. It was embarrassing when Ashido had caught Bakugo leaving [Name]'s room in the morning and [Name] had begged while Bakugo threatened Ashido if she told anyone. Now, [Name] just has to know what Todoroki feels about her.

The two of them made to the courtyard of U.A., Todoroki and [Name] walking over to a bench with flower beds behind them. [Name] sits down while Todoroki stands in front of her and he has his hands in his pockets as he looks to the side. [Name] decides to speak up first.

"Shouto, I know it's been a while since we kissed at the provisional licenses, but I wanted to know about your feelings," [Name] said, looking up at him.

Shouto makes eye contact with her. "I think it's pretty self-explanatory, [Name]. What do you think kissing means?"

"Uh, that you like someone," [Name] said, blushing as she looks down. "But sometimes, there's different types of kissing like for family and then there's kissing for... people that you like in a romantic manner."

"Well, I didn't kiss you because we're family," Todoroki laughed, [Name] looks up to see a smile grow on his lips as he looks at her. "I kissed you because I like you. I like you a lot, [Name] and I have been for a while." Todoroki tilted at [Name] with a soft smile on his lips. "What about you, [Name]?"

"I, ah... I don't have any romantic feelings for anyone," [Name] confessed, she looks down and her ears fall flat. "I'm sorry that I don't have feelings for you, Shouto, but I'm-"

"I just have to make you fall for me," Todoroki stated, he leaned down, placing his hand underneath [Name]'s chin and lifting her head. "You shouldn't feel sorry. I just have to try harder to capture your heart, that's all." Todoroki's eyes glanced down at [Name]'s lips and he looks back into her eyes. "[Name], is it okay for you if I kissed you?"

[Name]'s eyes widen before she looks around them. "Here? What if someone sees us? Or what if someone from our class sees us?"

"Like who?" Todoroki asked, raising an eyebrow. "Who are you worried about seeing us?"

[Name] thought of Bakugo, remembering that Bakugo confessed his feelings for her and they kissed, a few times. [Name] still didn't have any feelings for him, but she's not gonna lie that it was nice with Bakugo. It was nice with Todoroki, too. [Name] wouldn't want there to be problems with her friends, especially Bakugo after her and him talked, for there to be problems rise once more.

Todoroki looks around. "Well, there's hardly anyone outside and none of our classmates are outside."

"Another time, please, Shouto," [Name] said, looking at him. "Will a hug help?"

Todoroki lets out a light chuckle. "A hug could work."

[Name] stands up and Todoroki opens up his arms. She throws herself onto Todoroki, wrapping her arms around his neck as her she has to stand on her tippy-toes since Todoroki is taller than her. Todoroki's hands wrap around her, holding the girl off the ground and she lifts her legs, the biggest smile on her lips as she looks up at Todoroki. He smiles and he kissed her forehead.

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