Symbol of Peace

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  The black liquid comes out of the villain's mouth, going through the same process [Name] and Bakugo went through. Gran Tornio noticed Toga have the black liquid coming out of her mouth and he hurries towards her.

"Everyone's going to be taken away!" Gran Tornio yelled.

All Might runs towards them. "Damn it! Take me with you,  Shigaraki!"

All Might reaches out towards Shigaraki, the baby blue haired villain disappearing in front of him instant just like [Name] and Bakugo did. The villains are able to disappear despite Kamui Woods holding them captive in his branches. The heroes in the room tried to grab at least one of the villains, but they all disappeared and the only things left in the room on the villain side are the Nomus.

"I-I'm sorry, everyone!" Kamui Woods exclaimed.

"It wasn't your fault!" Edgeshot assured, dodging a punch from a Nomu. "We were also unable to do anything!" Edgeshot used his Quirk on the Nomu, stunning the creature completely still. "We thought Kurogiri's Warp was more like teleportation rather than one that opened a path in space."

"All Might!" Gran Torino shouted.

He shouted because he noticed three Nomus going after All Might. The three creatures jump on All Might's back, grasping onto the Number One hero and holding tight. All Might didn't care, he quickly said Oklahoma Smash and started spinning around quickly. Each of the three Nomus went flying in different directions, being forced out of the building with force

"That was an energetic way of breaking things!"

"I can't help it! Focus on the villains!"

The police force outside are shooting at the Nomus, trying to fight multiple Quirked creatures with bullets. Like that's going to work. Unlike them, Endeavor is smart and he uses his Quirk. He burns one of the Nomus to crisp with hot flames and intensity.

"These guys..." Endeavor hissed, running towards the next Nomu. "Did they come from over there?"

Tsukauchi looks up. "I can't get a hold of Jeanist and the others! It's possible that we failed on the Nomu factory side!"

"What a mess!" Endeavor shouted, blasting flames at the Nomus while looking over his shoulder at Tsukuachi.

"Endeavor!" All Might shouted.

"Huh?" Endeavor questioned, dropping the Nomu after blasting it. He notices All Might standing in the building where the wall is broken.

All Might coughs, a smile on his face after coughing. "Are you all right?"

"What're you looking at to ask a question like that?" Endeavor questioned. "Even though you're at the top, will you need bifocals soon?" Endeavor noticed a flying Nomu trying to sneak up on him, but he reacts fast. He aims his flames above him, burning the Nomu. "If you're gonna go, then hurry up and go!"

"Yeah. I'll leave it to you."

All For One claps. "As expected of the number four hero, Best Jeanist. I thought I'd blown everyone away. To be able to manipulate everyone's clothes and put them to the side in an instant-- That quick decision-making... and skill... You must have nerves of steel."

Mt. Lady lays on the ground, scratched and hurt. Tiger is shielding Ragdoll as he twitches on the ground from the insane and powerful blow from All For One. Gang Orca is sitting up against debris, hurt and scratched from the blow from All For One. Best Jeanist lies on the ground like a starfish, limps spread out as his arms are bleeding after pulling everyone out of the way from the impact of All For One's power, but the force still got to them.

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