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Daniel and his Mom arrive home and Daniel goes to his room to do his homework. An hour passes and he finished and his mom invited him to eat dinner. The whole family eat at the table together and Daniels father asks him how his day went and they begin bonding at dinner with his sister being a great influence. His sister Danielle tells them that's she's leaving and they tell her bye. We cut to the next day at school and while Daniel is in gym checking his locker, a boy pushes him and tells him to get out of his way. Daniel tells him to cut it out and he tells him to do something about it. His friend comes over and tells Justin to calm down and leave. He grins and walks away and Daniel thanks Justin's friend. Daniel tells his friends how much he wants to beat up Justin but his friends laugh at the matter and tell him that he shouldn't embarrass himself like that. The group then leave the locker rooms and while walking to the lunch line Justin trips over Daniel. Daniel shrugs off the nonsense while everyone else laughs. Daniel looks back and see's through Justin and all his fake friends surrounding him. They have lunch together and they begin talking about hanging out that weekend and that Daniel is invited. Daniel says that he passes and looks over as all the girls are "drooling" for Justin. The bell rings and he heads to his next class. He stares as Justin and Robin hug it out and the camera points out his angry face.

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