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A flashback opens to Daniel being picked up by Flavio. On the drive home, Daniel explains how hard it was to dance and that he feels bad since he was basically holding on to Elizabeth the entire time. Flavio tells him don't sweat it and that Elizabeth probably noticed and she didn't have to ask to help him. He assures him that he'll refer his mother to Daniels mom since she's a licensed physical therapist. Flavio warns him that his mother will be tough on him since she likes seeing her patients succeed. We cut to Daniel and his therapist meeting and they have a talk. His mother tells his therapist to do her best to get her son to walk again without the need of support. Dr Molina promises that she'll have him walking in no time. (Eye of the tiger) A montage plays and throughout Daniel is training with Dr Molina and he struggles throughout and eventually starts being able to walk. Once it ends, Daniels mom thanks Dr Molina for being able to get her son to walk again and she tells them that she's happy to be able to see Daniel be able to walk again. The doctor leaves and Daniel explains to his mother that he can't wait to see Elizabeth again so she can see that he's able to walk again and it fades out into present Daniel who is walking out of the store and looks at his car. He watches as a man is talking to Elizabeth and stumbles a little and he begins to get violent and Daniel runs to the car and pulls out a knife and stabs the man. The man turns around and Daniel see's that it's Nathan. He stares at Nathan's body and Elizabeth hops out of the car and they hug each other. Daniel tells her to help him get the body in the trunk with Daniel looking around to make sure no one saw. They close the trunk and they both speed off with Daniel asking her if she's okay. She tells him that she's covered in blood. She asks what now, and Daniel tells her that he plans on getting rid of the body in the mountains implying that he's burying it. She turns to him and looks away sort of alarmed. Next day Police station, Frank Mullen is eating a donut while doing his work and Detective Parker comes to him about an interesting case. They talk about the case and it being a possible kidnapping. Daniel Bradley, 19 hit his father with a bat in the face and left and the family hasn't seen them since. Same day Elizabeth Rodriguez, 18 disappeared during the night and the two have a known connection thanks to the information that Elizabeth's mother supplied them with. The mother believes that her daughter ran away since they had a previous argument. While talking, Parker is sent another case, another missing man. Brother reported him missing when he didn't show up at home and didn't answer calls. Mullen asks if they could bring in the brother and ask him some questions. Maybe he could be connected to the case from earlier. They bring in Damien Price, the brother of the third disappearance in the case. They question him and he's able to confirm that there is a clear connection between Nathan and the Runaway couple. He also tells them that he headed to the Walmart the night he disappeared. Detective Mullen thanks him for his cooperation and allows him to leave. The detectives set out to the same store Nathan supposedly visited. In the Parking lot they find Nathan's car sitting there still.They head inside  and ask the store for the camera footage of the day that Nathan disappeared. They catch him on camera in store and out and he goes near a Ford Mustang. He talks to the person in the car and the police witness Nathan getting aggressive with the person. They see that a third figure rushed over and stabbed Nathan. Nathan falls and is loaded into the trunk of the car and they drive off. They take the footage for evidence and they go to where the mustang was parked. Surely enough they find dried blood in the same spot. Detective Parker examines and points out that they may be dealing with a murder case now and that they need to find the trio immediately.

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