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Walking to class Daniel bumps into David. As soon as David see's who it is he begins walking faster but is stopped by Daniel and he begins to ask what's his problem. David tells him that Daniel hasn't been a friend these past few days and that he isn't too keen on talking to someone who Doesn't really care about him. Daniel calls him out on his jealousy and they begin to argue even further and they aren't friends anymore. More like acquaintances and David walks away and when Morgan passes by, Daniel tries to get her attention but she keeps on walking and he doesn't bother. Confused and angry he storms off. He goes home and once he arrives begins to ask him mom about her high school experience. She tells him that she's never been to high school unfortunately so she won't be able to answer his question. He calls his sister on the phone and then asks her about her high school drama. They talk for a little and after her story he goes to bed. The next day at school in class he talks to Alyssa and they begin to talk to each other about how school is going so far. Right as she's explaining Daniel admits that he has feelings for her and she has a surprised face.

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