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Daniel walks away to his car and Elizabeth follows him. They get into the car and while driving away, Elizabeth asks him what was that about. Brandon agrees with her and he tells them that he was also a big reason why Monica killed herself. They ask him how does he know that and he tells them that he witnessed everything that Nathan did to Monica. He never expected his choices to end someone else's life and that's where his guilt comes in. Brandon asks if he was given a second chance would he redo that time he made that choice. Daniel tells him that even though he made a regrettable choice, there's no going back from it. They head to Starbucks and Daniel asks them if they want anything. Brandon was the only one who wanted coffee so Daniel went to get it. Brandon tells Elizabeth that Daniel is a bunch of problems and that he sees for the type of person that he actually is. Elizabeth tells him that she doesn't know what he's talking about. Brandon told her to just tread lightly and be aware of Daniel. Elizabeth doesn't take his comments seriously and he tells her that he may not show it but he's high maintenance and she rolls her eyes. Daniel returns with some pastries and Brandon's coffee. Daniel asks them if it's cool if he drops them off after he goes to cliff drive. Elizabeth is fine with it but Brandon asks why are they going up there. Daniel explains that he's got something to talk about to his friends. Daniel asks Elizabeth if she even likes coffee and she laughs and tells him that she hates coffee. Daniel laughs as well and tells her that he never goes to Starbucks because of his hatred for coffee as well. Brandon tell them that they are just jealous that they can't have something as good as coffee. Both Daniel and Elizabeth stare at each other and smile. They leave and drive to the mountain. Nathan and Damien are waiting there. Daniel tells them to stay in the car and wait till he comes back. Damien welcomes his friend and smiles.

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