Hey Dude (Season 2)

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Daniel still in his vision sequence and
Daniels mom wakes him up and tells him to hurry up and get ready for school. He gets up confused but shrugs it off as a dream. Daniel rushes to get ready and he tells his mother bye and he gets to his bus stop on time. He narrates and explains that he spent caring for his father since he was recovering from his paralysis(that's right you heard him). Daniel explains that his father changed. He's no longer like he used to be. He gets off the bus and looks around and takes interest in the school. It's new and he's now officially a high schooler. He walks to his classroom and sits down. He meets Jeffrey, an outgoing relaxed dude. They instantly hit it off and Daniel knows that he walked into a school were he pretty much doesn't know a single soul that goes there so it's good that he's making friends. Daniel is already beginning to enjoy his high school experience. He has some pretty decent classes and is already making friends. A clean slate and a fresh restart. He unfortunately has to eat lunch by himself but he's cool with that. He goes to his last class with Jeffrey and once class ends and he's walking to his bus he is stopped. He turns around to see Morgan is there with him and the episode ends.

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