We're Back Bitches!

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(Crystal Blue Persuasion plays) Another montage of Daniel and Elizabeth hanging out during the first few weeks of high school. Daniel walks up to Elizabeth's house and he knocks. Elizabeth is happy that he came over and they hug and kiss. Daniel asks her if she's ready to return to school. They talk about that subject for a little. Elizabeth brings up on how he's doing. He tells her that he's been seeking help from his family (He Lied). She congratulates him on the effort to better himself. Elizabeth invites him inside and they spend time together. We see AJ walking in school. He walks up to two guys and they talk. Ethan is the cousin of Elizabeth and AJ tells him about his friend Daniel breaking up during with his cousin over the summer. Aiden says that he heard about them getting back together again but he isn't sure. Ethan tells them that he's gonna kick his ass if he hurts her in any way. Aiden bets money that he won't leave a scratch on Daniel once he does fight him. Ethan takes up the bet and AJ laughs. We cut to Elizabeth and Daniel walking down the hall. They talk about about being together and they reach Elizabeth's classroom and Daniel hugs her and walks away. While walking away, he is called out by Ethan. He doesn't recognize Ethan and asks him what's up. Ethan pushes Daniel and this gets Daniel angry and asks him what was that for. Ethan tells him that he broke his cousins heart and that he's paying for that. He's confused but is punched in the face by Ethan before being able to say something else. Aiden grabs him and Ethan continues punching him. Daniel elbows Aiden and counters Ethans punch. He continues punching Ethan till administration pulls everyone and takes the three too the office for fighting.

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