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While showering in the locker room, Daniel has a lot of rage running through his head. He gets out and puts his clothes on and Damien pins him against the wall. Damien tells Daniel that he's gonna beat his ass and Jeffrey since they don't understand the concept of staying away.
Daniel tells him to beat his ass. Damien tells him that both should come to the field in 15. He walks out and and Daniel calls Jeffrey and tells him to come to the locker room. Jeffrey brings his friend Erick and they discuss Damien. Jeffrey asks Daniel what are they gonna do and Daniel turns around and grabs a bat and heads to the field. Daniel and Damien stand apart insulting each other with David right next to him. Damien and Daniel go face to face and a fight commences. The fight lasts for a good minute and then security comes and they pull apart everyone and send everyone to the office. The principal speaks to all of them and suspends Damien for his previous record. While waiting for the consequences Daniel overhears the conversation between the secretary and the principal about the death of one of the students. Once he received the word from the principal he finds out that Morgan committed suicide. This breaks his heart as Morgan was one of his best friends. The ambulance drives off.

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