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Martin is flipping pancakes and making a big breakfast for his family and he wakes everyone up. Daniel asks his mom if he could get Danielle to drop him off at school and she tells him if she's okay with it then cool. Daniel has breakfast and leaves and his sister is outside waiting for him. They embrace and she takes him to school. She tells him to have a great day and once he got off his ride he notices someone beautiful walking. He stares at Robin and Danielle yells at him to stop staring and make his move already. Daniel tells her to leave and he walks to school. He begins tailing robin and while tailing her, Morgan comes in and asks him if he has somebody in mind for the upcoming dance. He tells her no and she says that she needs some advice on this person that she wants to ask out. He gives her the best advice and she hugs him and thanks him. He catches up to Robin and they begin to conversate. They eventually reach class and he tells his friends that he has someone in mind for the dance. Morgan than asks Daniel if he could come with her to meet up with the person she wants to ask. Daniel tells her sure and she tells him that he's the best. Class starts and once it ends Daniel and Morgan go to the meetup spot and Morgan begins to choke on her own words and so Daniel asks the girl himself and she agreed to go to the dance with Morgan and she is super excited. Daniel then asks Morgan if she could help him get someone he likes to go to the dance with him. She asks who it is and Daniel reluctantly told her the name. Morgan tells him that he should avoid her but he begs for her help and Morgan agrees to at least attempt. They begin to plan for the perfect way to ask her.

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