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(Elizabeth and Daniel cleaned themselves here) A motel in the shot, where they both stayed. Elizabeth is sitting on the bed just watching tv while Daniel looks outside the window and closes the curtain. Elizabeth tells him that they gotta check out soon and Daniel tells her that he's aware and he's making sure no one is following them. Elizabeth questions if they should go to the police since it was self defense. Daniel tells her that they can't go to the police. Elizabeth asks why and he explains to her that the reason they left without notice was that his dad kicked him out of the house and he might've gotten into a fight with him and his dad might've called the police on him so he had to leave. Elizabeth apologizes for not knowing and Daniel smiles and forgives her and tells her to not worry and that he loves her very much and he'll do anything for her. Elizabeth smiles but then remembers when he pulled up to her drive way and pointed a gun to force her to get into his car. She asks him about that and promises that he only did it so she'd get into the car as quick as possible and that he wouldn't have shot her. They leave and head to a diner to eat. Before getting off the car Daniel takes off the glasses and puts on his eye patch instead. Inside While eating they talk about where their destination is. Daniel explains that he has to get them papers so they'll be able to live somewhere else. He doesn't know where and that they'll find out soon enough. Daniel apologizes about Nathan and Elizabeth tells him not to worry and that she's happy he was there to protect her. They smile at each other and then the tv catches their attention. The police have pictured the three of them as missing with Daniel being a suspect and a warrant for his arrest has been issued. Elizabeth and Daniel look at each other and they sneak out, leaving the money on the table as to avoid having to be seen anymore. They head to a clothing store as to change clothes and buy more discreet clothing for themselves. They change and have fun while doing it. They take the car to a car wash and they clean the dry blood just in case. Once they do all that, Daniel tells Elizabeth that it's time to continue heading up the country and they'll eventually be able to get rid of the body in the back and they need to do it as soon as possible before the smell starts to set in. They drive and the shot stares at the sign indicating their direction.

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