Summer Vibing (Season 5 A)

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We find a Daniel in bed. His mom is peeking though the door and noticing her son. His Mother asks him if he can do her a favor. Daniel then asks what does she need. She asks him if he could run to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for her. He tells her that he was about to go out anyways so he'll do it. His mother allows him to go where he wants and thanks him and leaves. He removes the blanket that was covering him exposing that he was hiding the clothes he was wearing from his mom. Wearing his clothes for going out with his shoes on already. He gets up and grabs some binoculars and leaves the house. He gets into his moms car and heads to a house. It's dark and storming. He parks his car somewhere it can't be seen. He goes behind a house and begins climbing. Once he reaches the top of the house he grabs his binoculars and watches through the lens as Elizabeth is sitting in a couch. He watches her while it's raining. It's dark as well, almost as if he doesn't want anyone to know. Camera zooms out on Daniel and we seem him while lighting strikes in the background. We cut to him being wet and walking down the isles in a grocery store. While walking he is accidentally hit by a cart. The girl apologizes and recognizes him. He doesn't know her so he asks how does she know him. She tells him that they had classes together that year but they never really talked since she was always a little shy. He smiles and tells her,"well now you met me". They chat for a little and before leaving Daniel asks her if she would like to give him, her phone number so they can talk more. She smiles and gives it to him and they go their separate ways. After grabbing groceries he sits in the car and thinks for a second. He texts his mom that he's on his way home. Once he arrives home his dad see's that he went out. He starts yelling at Daniel asking where he's been. Daniel tells his father that he was at the store and that he can calm down. An argument starts and Daniels mother is forced to break it up. He walks to his room angrily and slams his door before hearing his dad yell more. He goes on his computer and conducts research on Emily and finding out everything there is to know about her from her socials to the games she plays and etc. He then calls her and they chat for a little. Once their call is over, Daniel sneaks out and finds out where Emily lives. She isn't to far from his house and once he arrives he watches her. He watches her through her window and starts texting her, still watching. He smiles when he see's her smiling while she's texting him.

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