See ya

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Daniel returns to school and is Justin asks him to talk. They chat and then Justin apologizes about the whole soda incident as Robin asked him to go to the dance with him but since he was aware that he already did, he declined thus getting Robin mad enough to pour soda on him. Daniel just stares at him and Justin notices the look on his eyes and asks him to forgive him. Daniel then punches him and begins to blame him that he never got to tell robin how he felt since she was to busy looking his way. Justin apologizes again and Daniel forgives him and he apologizes as well since he now knows how Robin truly is. Justin then offers to get back at her and if he wants in. Daniel grins and he accepts and they head to her. Justin goes to Robin and professes his feelings for her and she is very excited. Meanwhile Daniel is recording, Justin than goes in for the kiss but then moves to ear and tells her that she's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve him or any other nice guys. She tells him what and he tell her that hopefully she can get a better personality and she walks away while crying and Daniel posts it on the social. Morgan than comes and asks them both what's their problem and they explain that they were getting back at the heartbreaker since it's the last week of school. Daniel than tells them that they probably won't be going to the same schools next year and they farewell each other since Daniel doesn't plan on coming to school. He gets in the car and looks back at the school he won't have to come back too anymore. Daniel and his mom talk in the car for a little and tells him that his dad and her have a little surprise since he made it to high school. (Sweater weather plays) They arrive home and they find Martin on the floor. They quickly call the ambulance and quick flashes go through Daniels head. He see's a mustang in a snowy realm and snaps out of it. He see's red and blue lights in the distance with him making a face foreshadowing something.

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