I'm Leaving

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Monica goes to Daniels house on Sunday and asks if she could hang with him for the day. He's cool with that and he tells her that he'll support her in any way that she needs. She thanks him for being such a good friend and being there for her. He says no problem and asks what she want to do. She tells him that she told his sister what happened and if she can talk to her about something else. Daniel struggles a little with his thoughts and lies that she'll be gone for a little. She then asks if she could come to his house everyday since she doesn't feel safe near Kate or her own house. He says he'll think about it and Monica thanks him again for being a good friend and leaves. It bothers Daniel a little that she only came for his sister. He calls his father and tells him that he wants to go to Pennsylvania as well for work. His dad asks if he's sure since it is hard work. He says he's ready for anything and his dad says okay. He then calls Danielle and tells her that she doesn't have to come to check on him anymore since he's going to Pennsylvania. She tells him okay and to enjoy his time over there and Daniel packs his stuff and arrives at the airport. He hugs his sister goodbye and boards the plane. While on the plane Daniel returns once again to the snowy realm he's been in before. This time however Daniel himself is inside the mustang. The passenger door is open and there is someone lying on the floor with red snow surrounding them. Daniel realizes it's blood and stares at his hands and his hands are bloody and he starts breathing heavily and fast before waking up in the plane. Daniel then receives a message from Robin

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