It's Me

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Elizabeth gets off the bus and Daniel is waiting right there for her and they talk. While walking and talking Erick comes to Daniel and asks him if he wants to skip again but with his friend Anthony instead of Damien. Daniel thinks about it but he refuses as he doesn't like repeat events like what happened last year and instead decides to go to class. They both skip school and Daniel walks to class with Elizabeth. While they both talk on the way to class, Monica interrupts and asks Daniel if he could talk and Daniel tells her that there is nothing too talk about and she should head to class. She pleads to him but Daniel and Elizabeth walk away. Elizabeth looks back at a devastated Monica and asks Daniel what wrong with her and Daniel tells her that she's unnecessary drama and she shouldn't worry about her. In class while the teacher teaches, they play games and whisper to each other and giggling in class. Blake the silent boy in the class tries to talk to Elizabeth. Daniel asks him why is he talking to her. He tries to explain himself but Daniel tells him to not speak at out and just stay silent. Blake gets an angry face and Daniel tells him to calm down. Blake explains that he gets shit from everyone and that nobody knows how hard life is. Daniel tells him that he'll get through it, eventually. The school day passes and Daniel meets with Elizabeth. They both walk to the school exit and while walking with Flavio drives by and yells at him to get his ass in the car. Daniel shakes his head at flavio and apologizes to Elizabeth. Elizabeth laughs and tells him it's okay.(still Dre plays) They both go their separate ways and Flavio drives Daniel to his house. They talk about Elizabeth for a little and they arrive home. Daniel thanks flavio for the ride, but before he gets off flavio asks him if he found the one. Daniel tells him he won't know until the day comes and tells flavio to arrive home safely. Daniel watches as flavio's car drives off. A few hours later while getting ready for bed, he notices someone outside his window. He shines his phone's flashlight and is surprised to see Robin outside again. Robin begs Daniel to let her stay again since she has no where else to go. Daniel tells her that she can stay with him but he needs help with something and after that they can go to bed together again. Robin thanks Daniel and they go out to the woods together. While walking to Daniels designated spot, Robin asks Daniel what does he need help with. He explains that he needs help with a little project he's been working on and she says oh. They arrive but Robin doesn't see anything around and while looking around, she asks Daniel where's the project before being cut off by a knife being pressed into her. Daniel helps her lie down and shh's her. He pulls out the knife and tells her it's okay and that he forgives her before sitting on top of her and starts strangling her and squeezing her neck and Robin starts trying to defend herself to no avail. Daniel finally kills her from strangulation and he stands up and looks at his bloody hands.

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