Oh Please Dude

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Daniel arrives home and jumps on his computer. Before continuing he apologizes to Monica and Flavio for leaving without a word and it was an emergency. Daniel begins searching through the internet and begins digging up dirt on Michael and spends the rest of the day on the internet. Once his Father arrives home, he places his stuff down and checks on his son and finds him on the computer. He asks him what is he up too and he tells him not much just working on some work. His dad yells at him to stop being lazy and find a job since he's old enough. He rolls his eyes and turns back and continues. David and Michael are playing video games together and while talking to David gets a notification from his phone. He checks it real quick and sees its a message and ignores it and continues playing. The next day Daniel and Monica walk together and they meet up with Kate who is tells them about this video that was passed around. Monica asks what video and they laugh and show Daniel who laughs as well. While walking, Michael is walking away and being laughed at. Flavio comes out of no where and asks Daniel if he's seen the video. Daniel told him he just watched it right now when Kate showed him. Flavio proceeds to watch it again and makes fun of Michael for having his pants pulled down and being pinned down on the grown. Daniel turns around and watches as Michael walks away with his smile fading away and his serious face coming in. Daniel walks Monica to class and they hug before he leaves to his next class: Jeffrey asks Daniel if he's seen the video and Daniel tells him yeah and how it's the funniest thing ever. Jeffrey apologizes to Daniel if they haven't been hanging out as much but Daniel reassures him that it's cool and that he's okay. They smile at each other and begin talking about Daniels crush on Monica. Jeffrey asks him if he's been invited to the party and not knowing what to say tells him yeah. Jeffrey then tells him that he should definitely ask Monica to go with him to the party as his date. He tells him that he'll think about it

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