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Camila receives a call from the hospital telling her that her son's in critical condition at the hospital while she was waiting for him to arrive for his party. His family rushes to the hospital and they ask how he's doing and his mom breaks down. A little later their sitting in the lobby waiting for news from the doctor. His parents, his two sisters and Jordan are all waiting. The doctor finally comes and tells them that he's been shot three times with two being in each leg and one major one in his head. The doctor tells them that their expecting him to live and that he's very lucky but he lost his right eye. He's checked to see if he lost any brain function and he's still going strong. Unfortunately he may be stuck to a bed for a little and he may need to learn to walk again in the long run if he doesn't recover in time. He may need some help for the psychological effects that it has on him. They ask if they could see him and he's just laying on his bed. The doctor explains that he's in a coma and he can't be completely sure when he will wake up or if he will ever wake up. (Bad moon rising plays) A montage begins from day to day and night to night. His friends and family visit him from time to time. His family remain pretty optimistic for when he wakes up. One Late Afternoon when Elizabeth, Sarah, Danielle and Jordan are there, Daniel wakes up asking for help and their all shocked.

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