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Daniel is talked too by principal Edwards and is asked why he started a fight. Daniel explains to him that he didn't start it and that he doesn't even know them. He further explains that he was just casually walking down the hall and that these two guys just came up to him and started beating him. They clearly know you says the principal since they did scream out his name earlier. Daniel keeps telling him that he's confused because he doesn't know either one. The principal tells him that either way he's gonna have to suspend Daniel for a few days since it was him that was on top of Ethan and Aiden was on the sidelines bleeding. Daniel is excused and the principal lets him know that he contacted his sister to pick him up since his mother or father didn't pick up. He tells them that their probably at work and the principal thanks him for heads up. While on his way out of the office he sees Aiden and Ethan staring at home and he shakes his head and walks off. His sister scolds him for getting into a fight and he explains what happened. He tells her about his suspension and asks if they could wait for school to end in about two hours for Elizabeth. She asks seriously, since she has plans for the mall with Jordan. He tells her yeah and they go to her car to wait. He meets Jordan again and they talk a little about his girlfriend and Jordan tells him that he feels him and stares at Danielle and they laugh. Daniel texts Elizabeth to come to the front of the school. School finishes and Elizabeth comes and she asks him about this fight that she's about and with her cousin. Daniel is shocked and asks if that guy was his cousin. He promises that he'll tell her and that their going to the mall. Elizabeth tells him that she's gotta let her mother know. They head to the mall and they hang in the food court. Jordan and Danielle tell them that their gonna go to some of the stores. They walk off and Elizabeth asks him about the fight. Daniel explains that he had no idea that was her cousin and that he came at him. He didn't even know him. She tells him that she'll ask him about and apologizes about that. Daniel tells her it's not necessary but he did get suspended which he forgot to tell her earlier. She hits him in the head and tells him to tell her these things. He promises to tell her next time and they laugh. They go to the ice cream parlor and while in line AJ is there. He calls out to Daniel and asks him about the fight. They talk about it and then Elizabeth tells AJ to have a good rest of his day since their done talking about it. He walks off and Daniel and Elizabeth share another laugh and we cut to them eating ice cream in the back seats of Danielles car. She warns them that she'll make them clean if they make a mess. They promise they won't and they drop of Elizabeth. They kiss before she walks off to her house and they leave. Jordan tells him that he's pretty smooth and Daniel thanks him. They drop Daniel off and Jordan and Danielle drive off.

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