Rest Easy Now

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While watching the news, Daniel watches as a man goes to prison for raping an underage minor. He feels really uncomfortable about the subject and looks back at the message that Monica sent him. He asks his mother if she could take him and his friend to the funeral. She says she'll do it and asks Daniel if he needs any money. Daniel tells her that he'd appreciate it if she did give him money. The next day arrives and he showers and gets ready and dressed. Before leaving Daniel asks if he could take the car instead and she can stay home. His mom reluctantly allows him to leave by himself and tells him drive safely. He picks up Elizabeth and her brother and they head to the funeral. She asks if it's okay that she brings her brother and Daniel tells her that's its alright, he can come. On the way, Elizabeth asks him how is he feeling to which he responds by saying that Monica used to be a great friend and then she had her life going downhill and he can't help but feel a little guilty for everything that happened to her. Elizabeth tells him that she doesn't know the circumstances of her problems but she reassures him that he's not at fault and that Monica would only wish the best for him. He thanks her for that and tells her that she's very supportive. Elizabeth smiles back and Brandon asks them about the girl. Daniel tells him that she was a close friend who choose to opt out of life. Brandon apologizes and Daniel tells him not to sweat it. They arrive and The funeral commences and everyone is sad. Daniel is a little distracted by seeing Nathan there and rage fills up in him. Once the funeral is over he walks to Nathan and pushes him. Daniel blames him and Damien pushes him back and tells him not here. He tells Daniel to meet him at the cliff spot. They'll talk it out there and if he doesn't meet them, there will be consequences.

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