I'm Done

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Daniel gets a message on his phone and he pulls it out. It's a message from Damien. He's gonna skip school and that he's inviting him and erick. He tells Jeffrey that he's gonna skip and he'll invite Monica along with him. He texts her and invites her and she agrees. He texts Damien and they meet in the parking lot. Jeffrey receives a message from Michael. Damien tells them that his brother was planning on coming but couldn't. They leave and they head straight to the mall in Damien's charger. Once they arrive Daniel has no idea what to do since he's only carrying twenty dollars on himself. While walking to the entrance he asks Damien to spot him a ten and he does it. Daniel than asks Monica if she would like to go window shopping. She agrees and Damien and Erick go and hang out. They enter and DVD and merchandise shop and look around. They find some stuff and they begin having fun and playing around for a little.(The best you had plays) They head to grab some ice cream and fool around like best friends. They even ride the carousel that's inside of the mall and they have a blast. They eventually meet up with Damien and erick to have some food at the food court and they leave. Both of them had an amazing time and they drop her off near her home and Daniel waves bye to her. Damien asks Daniel how it went and Daniel tells him it went amazingly well.

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