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Jeffrey walks back to the lunch table with the boys and he tells them about the bowling. He invites them as well and they make plans to go as a whole group. While on the way back to class, David tells Daniel that maybe they shouldn't go since the girls are most likely only going for Jeffrey and have no interest in both of them. Daniel scolds him and tells him that he is going and he going to have a good time and David doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to. David grows jealous and walks away and Daniel gets to his class. He sits with Morgan and asks her what her thing was at lunch. She tells him to forget it and Daniel shrugs it off. This angers Morgan even further and they begin to argue while the teaching is in progress. On the way out of school Morgan and Daniel continue to argue and he eventually walks away. Once Daniel arrives home he asks his mother if he can go bowling with friends and she says yes. He calls Danielle to drop him off and he arrives at the bowling alley. They meet up and Daniel officially meets three girls, one more than before. He meets the twins Alyssa and Alexa and they seem pretty nice. He also meets Brianna who is very excited to hang out with everyone. They wait for David but he didn't show up after ten minutes and they get to playing bowling. They play and in the end it comes as a tie between Daniel and Jeffrey and the everyone else having less points. Unknown to them David did come but saw them playing with out him and he left. Daniel tells everyone good night and he leaves with his sister. His sister asks him how it went and he looks outside his window and tells her that it was awesome.

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