Miller's Entrance

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Michael says what's up to Daniel and tells him that he hasn't heard much from him during the summer. Daniel tells him that he didn't really talk to many people and he wasn't interested in hanging out with many people. Michael cracks a joke about Daniel upsetting him even more and walks away with Michael telling him to come back but he doesn't listen. He gets to class and there she is again. Another class with Monica. He sits in front of her and she stares at him. She's the first one to talk and asks him if he's in this class as well. Daniel tells her yes and she understood. They introduce themselves again and they begin talking about how shitty the school is. Daniel agrees and he talks about it being just as bad as middle school after a year. She laughs and he smiles. Class begins and they head out walking together. She tells him that he's really fun and suggests that they should hang out more since she needs friends. Daniel smiles and agrees and they walk their separate ways. He arrives home and his mom notices his smile and asks him how his day went. He tells her that it went pretty smooth and that he'll be heading to his room. Before he leaves she asks him if he's hungry. He declines and leaves to his room but is stopped by his father. His dad asks him what he's up to and Daniel assures him that he isn't up to much. Martin then asks if he's got a job yet but Daniel tells him no much to the dismay of his father. They both begin to argue and his mom is forced to break it up and sends her son upstairs. Daniel slams his door and he is really angry and he punches the wall accidentally making a hole. He reverts back to calm and immediately notices what he just did. He quickly grabs a portrait and hangs it over the hole to hide it from his parents. He grabs clothing to shower and then goes to bed. He stares at the ceiling and falls asleep. He dreams about Monica and him walking together and holding hands. While sitting on his bed she asks Daniel to give her massage to which he does. While giving her a massage he begins to see red and proceeds to strangle Monica before he wakes up. Daniel noticed that it was just a dream and sighs in relief no longer thinking about it. He dresses a little more and heads to school. Both him and Monica meet up at the spot they agreed on and Daniel meets her best friend Kate. They shake hands and they stare at each other with smiles.

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