Hey you! (Season 3)

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Daniel is sitting down on his chair and  looking straight. He's been thinking about things lately and hasn't had the energy to do much else. His mom comes in and asks him if he's ready for his next year in school. He tells her that he thought he was ready last year and look how that turned out. She feels bad for him and tells him that she'll leave him alone to his thoughts. He grabs his phone and looks at photos of him and Morgan having good times. Next day rolls and his alarm goes off with him staring at the ceiling. He gets up and goes lousy with the clothes for his first day. His mom asks him if he wants a ride to school but he declines the offer and decides to take the bus. He gets on the bus and arrives at school and goes straight to his class. Class begins and the teacher starts the class off with everyone introducing themselves to their group. And there she was, Daniel was introduced to a girl from his group; Monica. He introduces himself but he still makes it obvious that he has no interest in anything. He sits back down and class begins and after class dismisses he heads to the spot Jeffrey told him to meet. He meets up with Jeffrey and David who they were not expecting. Jeffrey immediately tells him welcome back before Daniel says anything and they talk about how Daniels doing. Daniel tells Jeffrey that he misses her and Jeffrey tells him that he knows and pats him on the back. Damien passes by and dabs them up and tells Jeffrey to keep up the good work with sports. While walking together, he gets a slap on the neck and he gets called out by name. Jeffrey and David Dab up the new kid and it's Michael. Daniel looks on angrily as someone else joins the group.

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