No Escape

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(Few months later)
We see Parker waiting in the car while Mullen is outside talking to someone. Parker receives a call from his wife telling his about how his son got in trouble at school and that she's on her way to pick him up and asks if he'll be home late. Parker tells her that he probably will be late and tells her that they'll figure out consequences once he's home. His wife tells him to be safe and that she loves him and Parker tells her that he loves her as well. Mullen returns to the car and tells Parker that the manager himself attended a male and female couple. The description of them fits with it being Daniel and Elizabeth. He believes that they have a key role in Nathan's disappearance and Nathan is possibly deceased already. They return to the station and the chief tells both of them to come over. He explains that this case is getting out of hand and he needs both of them to jump from departments and follow the couples direction. He's already received information that they passed through Tennessee. They believe their on their way out of the country so he needs them to head to Michigan and stay there till their able to find both of them. He'll be spreading agents around the Canadian border. They pack their bags and Parker farewells to his family. They arrive at Michigan and they station themselves there. They head to a diner and they talk about Mullens issues for a little. He's an honest cop that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to reach his goals which Parker is very aware of. They receive a call from the station and they are told there has been a sighting of the couple and they check the street cameras. They see Daniels mustang and they issue an alert for his plates. They begin to send out extra units to patrol the area. Mullen and Parker get sent to an undisclosed area to patrol and they head out.
Bright light flashes and it's the sun with both Elizabeth and Daniel walking out of a store with supplies. They continue driving and they both have changed in appearance but still the same people. Daniel says that they aren't to far away from the location he's heading too. Daniel asks about her gun and she opens the glove box revealing her own weapon and Daniel tells her that he highly doubts she'll need it but it's there just in case. They reach a check point and they ask for ID and begin giving a look at them. Daniel tells them sure no problem and pulls out his gun and shoots them both dead. They drive off and Elizabeth displeased and sad and Daniel notices. Episode ends with Elizabeth staring outside her window.

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