Don't Do It

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Daniel asks Blake on how he's doing and they have a small conversation. Daniel asks him as to why he's not in school and tells him that he's planning on going right now and that his mom told him to pick up a few things. He asks the same thing to Daniel and Daniel explains that he has been suspended and is surprised that he doesn't know that. Blake tells him to have a good rest of his day and walks off quickly. Daniel walks to his car and gets a call from his mother. She asks him to pick up some more stuff and he tells her that he has to do something first and then he'll do it. He drives to school and once he arrives he sneaks into the school. He goes to her classroom window in the hallway but she isn't in there and goes around the school. Elizabeth is in the restroom washing her hands and she leaves the restroom. Daniel runs right into her and tells her to get to class immediately. She asks him what's wrong and before he's able to say anything Ethan walks up to them. Daniel pushes Ethan and scolds him for getting into fight and getting him suspended. Ethan tells him that he came to apologize since he saw him and as he was told that he broke his cousins heart and that he didn't let stuff like that slide easily. Daniel accepts the apology and smiles and Ethan tells him that he wasn't expecting that and gets cut off his sentence by getting shot in the head. Blake holds them at gunpoint. Elizabeth is in shock and Daniel tells Blake that he shouldn't be doing this. He has blood all over him. Blake points out that he's tired of everyone and everything at the school. So he's gonna make them feel his pain. He tells Daniel to go away and he aims his gun at Elizabeth. Daniel pleads with Blake to not shoot her. They talk back and forth about the stuff that's been going on and Blake tells him that if he doesn't shoot Elizabeth, he'll have to shoot him instead. Daniel thinks for a second about Morgan and Monica. He tells him that he'll take the bullet this time. Elizabeth yells no, and Daniel is shot in the leg. He tells Elizabeth to run which she does. He begins crawling away and gets shot in his other leg. He's lying flat on his stomach and is turned around by Blake. Blake aims his shotgun at his head and tells him that he'll give him a chance to live much to Daniels relief. But survival is dependent on him and Daniel asks what.(paint it black plays) But Blake pulls out his pistol and aims it at Daniel. He angles it and shoots Daniel in the eye. He walks away and continues with his spree while the camera zooms out from the top of Daniels body.

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