The Other One

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Alexa stops the kiss and Daniel apologizes. She begins to tell him that it's okay and then he asks her if she has feelings for him. She politely lets him down and apologizes. Daniel turns around and leaves with Alexa following him. Daniel gets grabbed by the shoulder by Alexa and he has a day dream where he begins to strangle her. He returns to reality and Alexa tells him it's okay and that she doesn't have feelings for him that way and that she rather remain friends. Daniel goes off on her and tells her everything that has gone wrong this year and after going off and everyone watching, he tells her that they are no longer friends since he doesn't feel like being in a one sided relationship and storms off. He angrily walks through the parking lot and calls his sister to see if she could give him a ride home. He waits  and while waiting Jeffrey asks him what happened and Daniel explains that he probably lost a friend and that he doesn't feel good. She picks him and she asks him how it went and he tells her that he doesn't feel like talking about. She gives him his space and drops him off home. Before leaving she tells their mother that she's a little worried about him. Her mother brushes it off as mood swings and that he'll be fine. He looks outside his window and thinks. Daniel narrates on how his first year of high school went and begins to say how shitty high school really is. While staring outside he reminisces about the thought he had earlier. He returns to the cold snowy realm from before. He walks closer to the mustang and see's the figures of people inside but before he gets a good look he snaps out of his day dream and goes to sleep confused.

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